\n\n\n\n\n\n","import mod from \"-!../../../../node_modules/cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--12-0!../../../../node_modules/thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../../../../node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!../../../../node_modules/cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--0-0!../../../../node_modules/vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./ToastificationContent.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js&\"; export default mod; export * from \"-!../../../../node_modules/cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--12-0!../../../../node_modules/thread-loader/dist/cjs.js!../../../../node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js!../../../../node_modules/cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--0-0!../../../../node_modules/vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./ToastificationContent.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js&\"","import { render, staticRenderFns } from \"./ToastificationContent.vue?vue&type=template&id=6df1f17b&scoped=true&\"\nimport script from \"./ToastificationContent.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js&\"\nexport * from \"./ToastificationContent.vue?vue&type=script&lang=js&\"\nimport style0 from \"./ToastificationContent.vue?vue&type=style&index=0&id=6df1f17b&lang=scss&scoped=true&\"\n\n\n/* normalize component */\nimport normalizer from \"!../../../../node_modules/vue-loader/lib/runtime/componentNormalizer.js\"\nvar component = normalizer(\n script,\n render,\n staticRenderFns,\n false,\n null,\n \"6df1f17b\",\n null\n \n)\n\nexport default component.exports","module.exports = __webpack_public_path__ + \"img/logo-text-black.21dd3e88.png\";","function ownKeys(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); if (enumerableOnly) symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; }); keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; }\n\nfunction _objectSpread(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i] != null ? arguments[i] : {}; if (i % 2) { ownKeys(Object(source), true).forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }); } else if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors) { Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)); } else { ownKeys(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } } return target; }\n\nfunction _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }\n\nimport { NAME_TOOLTIP } from '../../constants/components';\nimport { IS_BROWSER } from '../../constants/env';\nimport { EVENT_NAME_SHOW } from '../../constants/events';\nimport { concat } from '../../utils/array';\nimport { getComponentConfig } from '../../utils/config';\nimport { getScopeId } from '../../utils/get-scope-id';\nimport { identity } from '../../utils/identity';\nimport { isFunction, isNumber, isPlainObject, isString, isUndefined, isUndefinedOrNull } from '../../utils/inspect';\nimport { looseEqual } from '../../utils/loose-equal';\nimport { toInteger } from '../../utils/number';\nimport { keys } from '../../utils/object';\nimport { BVTooltip } from '../../components/tooltip/helpers/bv-tooltip'; // Key which we use to store tooltip object on element\n\nvar BV_TOOLTIP = '__BV_Tooltip__'; // Default trigger\n\nvar DefaultTrigger = 'hover focus'; // Valid event triggers\n\nvar validTriggers = {\n focus: true,\n hover: true,\n click: true,\n blur: true,\n manual: true\n}; // Directive modifier test regular expressions. Pre-compile for performance\n\nvar htmlRE = /^html$/i;\nvar noninteractiveRE = /^noninteractive$/i;\nvar noFadeRE = /^nofade$/i;\nvar placementRE = /^(auto|top(left|right)?|bottom(left|right)?|left(top|bottom)?|right(top|bottom)?)$/i;\nvar boundaryRE = /^(window|viewport|scrollParent)$/i;\nvar delayRE = /^d\\d+$/i;\nvar delayShowRE = /^ds\\d+$/i;\nvar delayHideRE = /^dh\\d+$/i;\nvar offsetRE = /^o-?\\d+$/i;\nvar variantRE = /^v-.+$/i;\nvar spacesRE = /\\s+/; // Build a Tooltip config based on bindings (if any)\n// Arguments and modifiers take precedence over passed value config object\n\nvar parseBindings = function parseBindings(bindings, vnode)\n/* istanbul ignore next: not easy to test */\n{\n // We start out with a basic config\n var config = {\n title: undefined,\n trigger: '',\n // Default set below if needed\n placement: 'top',\n fallbackPlacement: 'flip',\n container: false,\n // Default of body\n animation: true,\n offset: 0,\n id: null,\n html: false,\n interactive: true,\n disabled: false,\n delay: getComponentConfig(NAME_TOOLTIP, 'delay', 50),\n boundary: String(getComponentConfig(NAME_TOOLTIP, 'boundary', 'scrollParent')),\n boundaryPadding: toInteger(getComponentConfig(NAME_TOOLTIP, 'boundaryPadding', 5), 0),\n variant: getComponentConfig(NAME_TOOLTIP, 'variant'),\n customClass: getComponentConfig(NAME_TOOLTIP, 'customClass')\n }; // Process `bindings.value`\n\n if (isString(bindings.value) || isNumber(bindings.value)) {\n // Value is tooltip content (HTML optionally supported)\n config.title = bindings.value;\n } else if (isFunction(bindings.value)) {\n // Title generator function\n config.title = bindings.value;\n } else if (isPlainObject(bindings.value)) {\n // Value is config object, so merge\n config = _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, config), bindings.value);\n } // If title is not provided, try title attribute\n\n\n if (isUndefined(config.title)) {\n // Try attribute\n var data = vnode.data || {};\n config.title = data.attrs && !isUndefinedOrNull(data.attrs.title) ? data.attrs.title : undefined;\n } // Normalize delay\n\n\n if (!isPlainObject(config.delay)) {\n config.delay = {\n show: toInteger(config.delay, 0),\n hide: toInteger(config.delay, 0)\n };\n } // If argument, assume element ID of container element\n\n\n if (bindings.arg) {\n // Element ID specified as arg\n // We must prepend '#' to become a CSS selector\n config.container = \"#\".concat(bindings.arg);\n } // Process modifiers\n\n\n keys(bindings.modifiers).forEach(function (mod) {\n if (htmlRE.test(mod)) {\n // Title allows HTML\n config.html = true;\n } else if (noninteractiveRE.test(mod)) {\n // Noninteractive\n config.interactive = false;\n } else if (noFadeRE.test(mod)) {\n // No animation\n config.animation = false;\n } else if (placementRE.test(mod)) {\n // Placement of tooltip\n config.placement = mod;\n } else if (boundaryRE.test(mod)) {\n // Boundary of tooltip\n mod = mod === 'scrollparent' ? 'scrollParent' : mod;\n config.boundary = mod;\n } else if (delayRE.test(mod)) {\n // Delay value\n var delay = toInteger(mod.slice(1), 0);\n config.delay.show = delay;\n config.delay.hide = delay;\n } else if (delayShowRE.test(mod)) {\n // Delay show value\n config.delay.show = toInteger(mod.slice(2), 0);\n } else if (delayHideRE.test(mod)) {\n // Delay hide value\n config.delay.hide = toInteger(mod.slice(2), 0);\n } else if (offsetRE.test(mod)) {\n // Offset value, negative allowed\n config.offset = toInteger(mod.slice(1), 0);\n } else if (variantRE.test(mod)) {\n // Variant\n config.variant = mod.slice(2) || null;\n }\n }); // Special handling of event trigger modifiers trigger is\n // a space separated list\n\n var selectedTriggers = {}; // Parse current config object trigger\n\n concat(config.trigger || '').filter(identity).join(' ').trim().toLowerCase().split(spacesRE).forEach(function (trigger) {\n if (validTriggers[trigger]) {\n selectedTriggers[trigger] = true;\n }\n }); // Parse modifiers for triggers\n\n keys(bindings.modifiers).forEach(function (mod) {\n mod = mod.toLowerCase();\n\n if (validTriggers[mod]) {\n // If modifier is a valid trigger\n selectedTriggers[mod] = true;\n }\n }); // Sanitize triggers\n\n config.trigger = keys(selectedTriggers).join(' ');\n\n if (config.trigger === 'blur') {\n // Blur by itself is useless, so convert it to 'focus'\n config.trigger = 'focus';\n }\n\n if (!config.trigger) {\n // Use default trigger\n config.trigger = DefaultTrigger;\n } // Return the config\n\n\n return config;\n}; // Add/update Tooltip on our element\n\n\nvar applyTooltip = function applyTooltip(el, bindings, vnode) {\n if (!IS_BROWSER) {\n /* istanbul ignore next */\n return;\n }\n\n var config = parseBindings(bindings, vnode);\n\n if (!el[BV_TOOLTIP]) {\n var $parent = vnode.context;\n el[BV_TOOLTIP] = new BVTooltip({\n parent: $parent,\n // Add the parent's scoped style attribute data\n _scopeId: getScopeId($parent, undefined)\n });\n el[BV_TOOLTIP].__bv_prev_data__ = {};\n el[BV_TOOLTIP].$on(EVENT_NAME_SHOW, function ()\n /* istanbul ignore next: for now */\n {\n // Before showing the tooltip, we update the title if it is a function\n if (isFunction(config.title)) {\n el[BV_TOOLTIP].updateData({\n title: config.title(el)\n });\n }\n });\n }\n\n var data = {\n title: config.title,\n triggers: config.trigger,\n placement: config.placement,\n fallbackPlacement: config.fallbackPlacement,\n variant: config.variant,\n customClass: config.customClass,\n container: config.container,\n boundary: config.boundary,\n delay: config.delay,\n offset: config.offset,\n noFade: !config.animation,\n id: config.id,\n interactive: config.interactive,\n disabled: config.disabled,\n html: config.html\n };\n var oldData = el[BV_TOOLTIP].__bv_prev_data__;\n el[BV_TOOLTIP].__bv_prev_data__ = data;\n\n if (!looseEqual(data, oldData)) {\n // We only update the instance if data has changed\n var newData = {\n target: el\n };\n keys(data).forEach(function (prop) {\n // We only pass data properties that have changed\n if (data[prop] !== oldData[prop]) {\n // if title is a function, we execute it here\n newData[prop] = prop === 'title' && isFunction(data[prop]) ? data[prop](el) : data[prop];\n }\n });\n el[BV_TOOLTIP].updateData(newData);\n }\n}; // Remove Tooltip on our element\n\n\nvar removeTooltip = function removeTooltip(el) {\n if (el[BV_TOOLTIP]) {\n el[BV_TOOLTIP].$destroy();\n el[BV_TOOLTIP] = null;\n }\n\n delete el[BV_TOOLTIP];\n}; // Export our directive\n\n\nexport var VBTooltip = {\n bind: function bind(el, bindings, vnode) {\n applyTooltip(el, bindings, vnode);\n },\n // We use `componentUpdated` here instead of `update`, as the former\n // waits until the containing component and children have finished updating\n componentUpdated: function componentUpdated(el, bindings, vnode) {\n // Performed in a `$nextTick()` to prevent render update loops\n vnode.context.$nextTick(function () {\n applyTooltip(el, bindings, vnode);\n });\n },\n unbind: function unbind(el) {\n removeTooltip(el);\n }\n};","function ownKeys(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); if (enumerableOnly) symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; }); keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; }\n\nfunction _objectSpread(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i] != null ? arguments[i] : {}; if (i % 2) { ownKeys(Object(source), true).forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }); } else if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors) { Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)); } else { ownKeys(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } } return target; }\n\nfunction _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }\n\nimport { Vue, mergeData } from '../../vue';\nimport { NAME_INPUT_GROUP_PREPEND } from '../../constants/components';\nimport { omit } from '../../utils/object';\nimport { makePropsConfigurable } from '../../utils/props';\nimport { BInputGroupAddon, props as BInputGroupAddonProps } from './input-group-addon'; // --- Props ---\n\nexport var props = makePropsConfigurable(omit(BInputGroupAddonProps, ['append']), NAME_INPUT_GROUP_PREPEND); // --- Main component ---\n// @vue/component\n\nexport var BInputGroupPrepend = /*#__PURE__*/Vue.extend({\n name: NAME_INPUT_GROUP_PREPEND,\n functional: true,\n props: props,\n render: function render(h, _ref) {\n var props = _ref.props,\n data = _ref.data,\n children = _ref.children;\n // Pass all our data down to child, and set `append` to `true`\n return h(BInputGroupAddon, mergeData(data, {\n props: _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, props), {}, {\n append: false\n })\n }), children);\n }\n});","module.exports = __webpack_public_path__ + \"img/logo-text-white.8351106b.png\";","import { Vue, mergeData } from '../../vue';\nimport { NAME_INPUT_GROUP_ADDON } from '../../constants/components';\nimport { PROP_TYPE_BOOLEAN, PROP_TYPE_STRING } from '../../constants/props';\nimport { makeProp, makePropsConfigurable } from '../../utils/props';\nimport { BInputGroupText } from './input-group-text'; // --- Props ---\n\nexport var props = makePropsConfigurable({\n append: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_BOOLEAN, false),\n id: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_STRING),\n isText: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_BOOLEAN, false),\n tag: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_STRING, 'div')\n}, NAME_INPUT_GROUP_ADDON); // --- Main component ---\n// @vue/component\n\nexport var BInputGroupAddon = /*#__PURE__*/Vue.extend({\n name: NAME_INPUT_GROUP_ADDON,\n functional: true,\n props: props,\n render: function render(h, _ref) {\n var props = _ref.props,\n data = _ref.data,\n children = _ref.children;\n var append = props.append;\n return h(props.tag, mergeData(data, {\n class: {\n 'input-group-append': append,\n 'input-group-prepend': !append\n },\n attrs: {\n id: props.id\n }\n }), props.isText ? [h(BInputGroupText, children)] : children);\n }\n});","import { Vue, mergeData } from '../../vue';\nimport { NAME_CARD_TITLE } from '../../constants/components';\nimport { PROP_TYPE_STRING } from '../../constants/props';\nimport { makeProp, makePropsConfigurable } from '../../utils/props';\nimport { toString } from '../../utils/string'; // --- Props ---\n\nexport var props = makePropsConfigurable({\n title: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_STRING),\n titleTag: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_STRING, 'h4')\n}, NAME_CARD_TITLE); // --- Main component ---\n// @vue/component\n\nexport var BCardTitle = /*#__PURE__*/Vue.extend({\n name: NAME_CARD_TITLE,\n functional: true,\n props: props,\n render: function render(h, _ref) {\n var props = _ref.props,\n data = _ref.data,\n children = _ref.children;\n return h(props.titleTag, mergeData(data, {\n staticClass: 'card-title'\n }), children || toString(props.title));\n }\n});","export * from \"-!../../../../node_modules/mini-css-extract-plugin/dist/loader.js??ref--8-oneOf-1-0!../../../../node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--8-oneOf-1-1!../../../../node_modules/vue-loader/lib/loaders/stylePostLoader.js!../../../../node_modules/postcss-loader/src/index.js??ref--8-oneOf-1-2!../../../../node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--8-oneOf-1-3!../../../../node_modules/cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--0-0!../../../../node_modules/vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./ToastificationContent.vue?vue&type=style&index=0&id=6df1f17b&lang=scss&scoped=true&\"","'use strict';\nvar fixRegExpWellKnownSymbolLogic = require('../internals/fix-regexp-well-known-symbol-logic');\nvar anObject = require('../internals/an-object');\nvar toObject = require('../internals/to-object');\nvar toLength = require('../internals/to-length');\nvar toInteger = require('../internals/to-integer');\nvar requireObjectCoercible = require('../internals/require-object-coercible');\nvar advanceStringIndex = require('../internals/advance-string-index');\nvar regExpExec = require('../internals/regexp-exec-abstract');\n\nvar max = Math.max;\nvar min = Math.min;\nvar floor = Math.floor;\nvar SUBSTITUTION_SYMBOLS = /\\$([$&'`]|\\d\\d?|<[^>]*>)/g;\nvar SUBSTITUTION_SYMBOLS_NO_NAMED = /\\$([$&'`]|\\d\\d?)/g;\n\nvar maybeToString = function (it) {\n return it === undefined ? it : String(it);\n};\n\n// @@replace logic\nfixRegExpWellKnownSymbolLogic('replace', 2, function (REPLACE, nativeReplace, maybeCallNative, reason) {\n var REGEXP_REPLACE_SUBSTITUTES_UNDEFINED_CAPTURE = reason.REGEXP_REPLACE_SUBSTITUTES_UNDEFINED_CAPTURE;\n var REPLACE_KEEPS_$0 = reason.REPLACE_KEEPS_$0;\n var UNSAFE_SUBSTITUTE = REGEXP_REPLACE_SUBSTITUTES_UNDEFINED_CAPTURE ? '$' : '$0';\n\n return [\n // `String.prototype.replace` method\n // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-string.prototype.replace\n function replace(searchValue, replaceValue) {\n var O = requireObjectCoercible(this);\n var replacer = searchValue == undefined ? undefined : searchValue[REPLACE];\n return replacer !== undefined\n ? replacer.call(searchValue, O, replaceValue)\n : nativeReplace.call(String(O), searchValue, replaceValue);\n },\n // `RegExp.prototype[@@replace]` method\n // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-regexp.prototype-@@replace\n function (regexp, replaceValue) {\n if (\n (!REGEXP_REPLACE_SUBSTITUTES_UNDEFINED_CAPTURE && REPLACE_KEEPS_$0) ||\n (typeof replaceValue === 'string' && replaceValue.indexOf(UNSAFE_SUBSTITUTE) === -1)\n ) {\n var res = maybeCallNative(nativeReplace, regexp, this, replaceValue);\n if (res.done) return res.value;\n }\n\n var rx = anObject(regexp);\n var S = String(this);\n\n var functionalReplace = typeof replaceValue === 'function';\n if (!functionalReplace) replaceValue = String(replaceValue);\n\n var global = rx.global;\n if (global) {\n var fullUnicode = rx.unicode;\n rx.lastIndex = 0;\n }\n var results = [];\n while (true) {\n var result = regExpExec(rx, S);\n if (result === null) break;\n\n results.push(result);\n if (!global) break;\n\n var matchStr = String(result[0]);\n if (matchStr === '') rx.lastIndex = advanceStringIndex(S, toLength(rx.lastIndex), fullUnicode);\n }\n\n var accumulatedResult = '';\n var nextSourcePosition = 0;\n for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {\n result = results[i];\n\n var matched = String(result[0]);\n var position = max(min(toInteger(result.index), S.length), 0);\n var captures = [];\n // NOTE: This is equivalent to\n // captures = result.slice(1).map(maybeToString)\n // but for some reason `nativeSlice.call(result, 1, result.length)` (called in\n // the slice polyfill when slicing native arrays) \"doesn't work\" in safari 9 and\n // causes a crash (https://pastebin.com/N21QzeQA) when trying to debug it.\n for (var j = 1; j < result.length; j++) captures.push(maybeToString(result[j]));\n var namedCaptures = result.groups;\n if (functionalReplace) {\n var replacerArgs = [matched].concat(captures, position, S);\n if (namedCaptures !== undefined) replacerArgs.push(namedCaptures);\n var replacement = String(replaceValue.apply(undefined, replacerArgs));\n } else {\n replacement = getSubstitution(matched, S, position, captures, namedCaptures, replaceValue);\n }\n if (position >= nextSourcePosition) {\n accumulatedResult += S.slice(nextSourcePosition, position) + replacement;\n nextSourcePosition = position + matched.length;\n }\n }\n return accumulatedResult + S.slice(nextSourcePosition);\n }\n ];\n\n // https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/#sec-getsubstitution\n function getSubstitution(matched, str, position, captures, namedCaptures, replacement) {\n var tailPos = position + matched.length;\n var m = captures.length;\n var symbols = SUBSTITUTION_SYMBOLS_NO_NAMED;\n if (namedCaptures !== undefined) {\n namedCaptures = toObject(namedCaptures);\n symbols = SUBSTITUTION_SYMBOLS;\n }\n return nativeReplace.call(replacement, symbols, function (match, ch) {\n var capture;\n switch (ch.charAt(0)) {\n case '$': return '$';\n case '&': return matched;\n case '`': return str.slice(0, position);\n case \"'\": return str.slice(tailPos);\n case '<':\n capture = namedCaptures[ch.slice(1, -1)];\n break;\n default: // \\d\\d?\n var n = +ch;\n if (n === 0) return match;\n if (n > m) {\n var f = floor(n / 10);\n if (f === 0) return match;\n if (f <= m) return captures[f - 1] === undefined ? ch.charAt(1) : captures[f - 1] + ch.charAt(1);\n return match;\n }\n capture = captures[n - 1];\n }\n return capture === undefined ? '' : capture;\n });\n }\n});\n","module.exports = __webpack_public_path__ + \"img/login-v2.72cd8a26.svg\";","export * from \"-!../../../node_modules/mini-css-extract-plugin/dist/loader.js??ref--8-oneOf-1-0!../../../node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--8-oneOf-1-1!../../../node_modules/vue-loader/lib/loaders/stylePostLoader.js!../../../node_modules/postcss-loader/src/index.js??ref--8-oneOf-1-2!../../../node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--8-oneOf-1-3!../../../node_modules/cache-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--0-0!../../../node_modules/vue-loader/lib/index.js??vue-loader-options!./Login.vue?vue&type=style&index=0&lang=scss&\"","function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }\n\nimport { Vue, mergeData } from '../../vue';\nimport { NAME_INPUT_GROUP } from '../../constants/components';\nimport { PROP_TYPE_STRING } from '../../constants/props';\nimport { SLOT_NAME_APPEND, SLOT_NAME_DEFAULT, SLOT_NAME_PREPEND } from '../../constants/slots';\nimport { htmlOrText } from '../../utils/html';\nimport { hasNormalizedSlot, normalizeSlot } from '../../utils/normalize-slot';\nimport { makeProp, makePropsConfigurable } from '../../utils/props';\nimport { BInputGroupAppend } from './input-group-append';\nimport { BInputGroupPrepend } from './input-group-prepend';\nimport { BInputGroupText } from './input-group-text'; // --- Props ---\n\nexport var props = makePropsConfigurable({\n append: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_STRING),\n appendHtml: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_STRING),\n id: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_STRING),\n prepend: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_STRING),\n prependHtml: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_STRING),\n size: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_STRING),\n tag: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_STRING, 'div')\n}, NAME_INPUT_GROUP); // --- Main component ---\n// @vue/component\n\nexport var BInputGroup = /*#__PURE__*/Vue.extend({\n name: NAME_INPUT_GROUP,\n functional: true,\n props: props,\n render: function render(h, _ref) {\n var props = _ref.props,\n data = _ref.data,\n slots = _ref.slots,\n scopedSlots = _ref.scopedSlots;\n var prepend = props.prepend,\n prependHtml = props.prependHtml,\n append = props.append,\n appendHtml = props.appendHtml,\n size = props.size;\n var $scopedSlots = scopedSlots || {};\n var $slots = slots();\n var slotScope = {};\n var $prepend = h();\n var hasPrependSlot = hasNormalizedSlot(SLOT_NAME_PREPEND, $scopedSlots, $slots);\n\n if (hasPrependSlot || prepend || prependHtml) {\n $prepend = h(BInputGroupPrepend, [hasPrependSlot ? normalizeSlot(SLOT_NAME_PREPEND, slotScope, $scopedSlots, $slots) : h(BInputGroupText, {\n domProps: htmlOrText(prependHtml, prepend)\n })]);\n }\n\n var $append = h();\n var hasAppendSlot = hasNormalizedSlot(SLOT_NAME_APPEND, $scopedSlots, $slots);\n\n if (hasAppendSlot || append || appendHtml) {\n $append = h(BInputGroupAppend, [hasAppendSlot ? normalizeSlot(SLOT_NAME_APPEND, slotScope, $scopedSlots, $slots) : h(BInputGroupText, {\n domProps: htmlOrText(appendHtml, append)\n })]);\n }\n\n return h(props.tag, mergeData(data, {\n staticClass: 'input-group',\n class: _defineProperty({}, \"input-group-\".concat(size), size),\n attrs: {\n id: props.id || null,\n role: 'group'\n }\n }), [$prepend, normalizeSlot(SLOT_NAME_DEFAULT, slotScope, $scopedSlots, $slots), $append]);\n }\n});","var _watch;\n\nfunction ownKeys(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); if (enumerableOnly) symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; }); keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; }\n\nfunction _objectSpread(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i] != null ? arguments[i] : {}; if (i % 2) { ownKeys(Object(source), true).forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }); } else if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors) { Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)); } else { ownKeys(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } } return target; }\n\nfunction _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }\n\nimport { COMPONENT_UID_KEY, Vue } from '../../vue';\nimport { NAME_ALERT } from '../../constants/components';\nimport { EVENT_NAME_DISMISSED, EVENT_NAME_DISMISS_COUNT_DOWN } from '../../constants/events';\nimport { PROP_TYPE_BOOLEAN, PROP_TYPE_BOOLEAN_NUMBER_STRING, PROP_TYPE_STRING } from '../../constants/props';\nimport { SLOT_NAME_DISMISS } from '../../constants/slots';\nimport { requestAF } from '../../utils/dom';\nimport { isBoolean, isNumeric } from '../../utils/inspect';\nimport { makeModelMixin } from '../../utils/model';\nimport { toInteger } from '../../utils/number';\nimport { sortKeys } from '../../utils/object';\nimport { makeProp, makePropsConfigurable } from '../../utils/props';\nimport { normalizeSlotMixin } from '../../mixins/normalize-slot';\nimport { BButtonClose } from '../button/button-close';\nimport { BVTransition } from '../transition/bv-transition'; // --- Constants ---\n\nvar _makeModelMixin = makeModelMixin('show', {\n type: PROP_TYPE_BOOLEAN_NUMBER_STRING,\n defaultValue: false\n}),\n modelMixin = _makeModelMixin.mixin,\n modelProps = _makeModelMixin.props,\n MODEL_PROP_NAME = _makeModelMixin.prop,\n MODEL_EVENT_NAME = _makeModelMixin.event; // --- Helper methods ---\n// Convert `show` value to a number\n\n\nvar parseCountDown = function parseCountDown(show) {\n if (show === '' || isBoolean(show)) {\n return 0;\n }\n\n show = toInteger(show, 0);\n return show > 0 ? show : 0;\n}; // Convert `show` value to a boolean\n\n\nvar parseShow = function parseShow(show) {\n if (show === '' || show === true) {\n return true;\n }\n\n if (toInteger(show, 0) < 1) {\n // Boolean will always return false for the above comparison\n return false;\n }\n\n return !!show;\n}; // --- Props ---\n\n\nexport var props = makePropsConfigurable(sortKeys(_objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, modelProps), {}, {\n dismissLabel: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_STRING, 'Close'),\n dismissible: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_BOOLEAN, false),\n fade: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_BOOLEAN, false),\n variant: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_STRING, 'info')\n})), NAME_ALERT); // --- Main component ---\n// @vue/component\n\nexport var BAlert = /*#__PURE__*/Vue.extend({\n name: NAME_ALERT,\n mixins: [modelMixin, normalizeSlotMixin],\n props: props,\n data: function data() {\n return {\n countDown: 0,\n // If initially shown, we need to set these for SSR\n localShow: parseShow(this[MODEL_PROP_NAME])\n };\n },\n watch: (_watch = {}, _defineProperty(_watch, MODEL_PROP_NAME, function (newValue) {\n this.countDown = parseCountDown(newValue);\n this.localShow = parseShow(newValue);\n }), _defineProperty(_watch, \"countDown\", function countDown(newValue) {\n var _this = this;\n\n this.clearCountDownInterval();\n var show = this[MODEL_PROP_NAME]; // Ignore if `show` transitions to a boolean value\n\n if (isNumeric(show)) {\n this.$emit(EVENT_NAME_DISMISS_COUNT_DOWN, newValue); // Update the v-model if needed\n\n if (show !== newValue) {\n this.$emit(MODEL_EVENT_NAME, newValue);\n }\n\n if (newValue > 0) {\n this.localShow = true;\n this.$_countDownTimeout = setTimeout(function () {\n _this.countDown--;\n }, 1000);\n } else {\n // Slightly delay the hide to allow any UI updates\n this.$nextTick(function () {\n requestAF(function () {\n _this.localShow = false;\n });\n });\n }\n }\n }), _defineProperty(_watch, \"localShow\", function localShow(newValue) {\n var show = this[MODEL_PROP_NAME]; // Only emit dismissed events for dismissible or auto-dismissing alerts\n\n if (!newValue && (this.dismissible || isNumeric(show))) {\n this.$emit(EVENT_NAME_DISMISSED);\n } // Only emit booleans if we weren't passed a number via v-model\n\n\n if (!isNumeric(show) && show !== newValue) {\n this.$emit(MODEL_EVENT_NAME, newValue);\n }\n }), _watch),\n created: function created() {\n // Create private non-reactive props\n this.$_filterTimer = null;\n var show = this[MODEL_PROP_NAME];\n this.countDown = parseCountDown(show);\n this.localShow = parseShow(show);\n },\n beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy() {\n this.clearCountDownInterval();\n },\n methods: {\n dismiss: function dismiss() {\n this.clearCountDownInterval();\n this.countDown = 0;\n this.localShow = false;\n },\n clearCountDownInterval: function clearCountDownInterval() {\n clearTimeout(this.$_countDownTimeout);\n this.$_countDownTimeout = null;\n }\n },\n render: function render(h) {\n var $alert = h();\n\n if (this.localShow) {\n var dismissible = this.dismissible,\n variant = this.variant;\n var $dismissButton = h();\n\n if (dismissible) {\n // Add dismiss button\n $dismissButton = h(BButtonClose, {\n attrs: {\n 'aria-label': this.dismissLabel\n },\n on: {\n click: this.dismiss\n }\n }, [this.normalizeSlot(SLOT_NAME_DISMISS)]);\n }\n\n $alert = h('div', {\n staticClass: 'alert',\n class: _defineProperty({\n 'alert-dismissible': dismissible\n }, \"alert-\".concat(variant), variant),\n attrs: {\n role: 'alert',\n 'aria-live': 'polite',\n 'aria-atomic': true\n },\n key: this[COMPONENT_UID_KEY]\n }, [$dismissButton, this.normalizeSlot()]);\n }\n\n return h(BVTransition, {\n props: {\n noFade: !this.fade\n }\n }, [$alert]);\n }\n});","// Base on-demand component for tooltip / popover templates\n//\n// Currently:\n// Responsible for positioning and transitioning the template\n// Templates are only instantiated when shown, and destroyed when hidden\n//\nimport Popper from 'popper.js';\nimport { Vue } from '../../../vue';\nimport { NAME_POPPER } from '../../../constants/components';\nimport { EVENT_NAME_HIDDEN, EVENT_NAME_HIDE, EVENT_NAME_SHOW, EVENT_NAME_SHOWN, HOOK_EVENT_NAME_DESTROYED } from '../../../constants/events';\nimport { PROP_TYPE_ARRAY_STRING, PROP_TYPE_NUMBER_STRING, PROP_TYPE_STRING } from '../../../constants/props';\nimport { HTMLElement, SVGElement } from '../../../constants/safe-types';\nimport { getCS, requestAF, select } from '../../../utils/dom';\nimport { toFloat } from '../../../utils/number';\nimport { makeProp } from '../../../utils/props';\nimport { BVTransition } from '../../transition/bv-transition'; // --- Constants ---\n\nvar AttachmentMap = {\n AUTO: 'auto',\n TOP: 'top',\n RIGHT: 'right',\n BOTTOM: 'bottom',\n LEFT: 'left',\n TOPLEFT: 'top',\n TOPRIGHT: 'top',\n RIGHTTOP: 'right',\n RIGHTBOTTOM: 'right',\n BOTTOMLEFT: 'bottom',\n BOTTOMRIGHT: 'bottom',\n LEFTTOP: 'left',\n LEFTBOTTOM: 'left'\n};\nvar OffsetMap = {\n AUTO: 0,\n TOPLEFT: -1,\n TOP: 0,\n TOPRIGHT: +1,\n RIGHTTOP: -1,\n RIGHT: 0,\n RIGHTBOTTOM: +1,\n BOTTOMLEFT: -1,\n BOTTOM: 0,\n BOTTOMRIGHT: +1,\n LEFTTOP: -1,\n LEFT: 0,\n LEFTBOTTOM: +1\n}; // --- Props ---\n\nexport var props = {\n // The minimum distance (in `px`) from the edge of the\n // tooltip/popover that the arrow can be positioned\n arrowPadding: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_NUMBER_STRING, 6),\n // 'scrollParent', 'viewport', 'window', or `Element`\n boundary: makeProp([HTMLElement, PROP_TYPE_STRING], 'scrollParent'),\n // Tooltip/popover will try and stay away from\n // boundary edge by this many pixels\n boundaryPadding: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_NUMBER_STRING, 5),\n fallbackPlacement: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_ARRAY_STRING, 'flip'),\n offset: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_NUMBER_STRING, 0),\n placement: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_STRING, 'top'),\n // Element that the tooltip/popover is positioned relative to\n target: makeProp([HTMLElement, SVGElement])\n}; // --- Main component ---\n// @vue/component\n\nexport var BVPopper = /*#__PURE__*/Vue.extend({\n name: NAME_POPPER,\n props: props,\n data: function data() {\n return {\n // reactive props set by parent\n noFade: false,\n // State related data\n localShow: true,\n attachment: this.getAttachment(this.placement)\n };\n },\n computed: {\n /* istanbul ignore next */\n templateType: function templateType() {\n // Overridden by template component\n return 'unknown';\n },\n popperConfig: function popperConfig() {\n var _this = this;\n\n var placement = this.placement;\n return {\n placement: this.getAttachment(placement),\n modifiers: {\n offset: {\n offset: this.getOffset(placement)\n },\n flip: {\n behavior: this.fallbackPlacement\n },\n // `arrow.element` can also be a reference to an HTML Element\n // maybe we should make this a `$ref` in the templates?\n arrow: {\n element: '.arrow'\n },\n preventOverflow: {\n padding: this.boundaryPadding,\n boundariesElement: this.boundary\n }\n },\n onCreate: function onCreate(data) {\n // Handle flipping arrow classes\n if (data.originalPlacement !== data.placement) {\n /* istanbul ignore next: can't test in JSDOM */\n _this.popperPlacementChange(data);\n }\n },\n onUpdate: function onUpdate(data) {\n // Handle flipping arrow classes\n _this.popperPlacementChange(data);\n }\n };\n }\n },\n created: function created() {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n // Note: We are created on-demand, and should be guaranteed that\n // DOM is rendered/ready by the time the created hook runs\n this.$_popper = null; // Ensure we show as we mount\n\n this.localShow = true; // Create popper instance before shown\n\n this.$on(EVENT_NAME_SHOW, function (el) {\n _this2.popperCreate(el);\n }); // Self destruct handler\n\n var handleDestroy = function handleDestroy() {\n _this2.$nextTick(function () {\n // In a `requestAF()` to release control back to application\n requestAF(function () {\n _this2.$destroy();\n });\n });\n }; // Self destruct if parent destroyed\n\n\n this.$parent.$once(HOOK_EVENT_NAME_DESTROYED, handleDestroy); // Self destruct after hidden\n\n this.$once(EVENT_NAME_HIDDEN, handleDestroy);\n },\n beforeMount: function beforeMount() {\n // Ensure that the attachment position is correct before mounting\n // as our propsData is added after `new Template({...})`\n this.attachment = this.getAttachment(this.placement);\n },\n updated: function updated() {\n // Update popper if needed\n // TODO: Should this be a watcher on `this.popperConfig` instead?\n this.updatePopper();\n },\n beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy() {\n this.destroyPopper();\n },\n destroyed: function destroyed() {\n // Make sure template is removed from DOM\n var el = this.$el;\n el && el.parentNode && el.parentNode.removeChild(el);\n },\n methods: {\n // \"Public\" method to trigger hide template\n hide: function hide() {\n this.localShow = false;\n },\n // Private\n getAttachment: function getAttachment(placement) {\n return AttachmentMap[String(placement).toUpperCase()] || 'auto';\n },\n getOffset: function getOffset(placement) {\n if (!this.offset) {\n // Could set a ref for the arrow element\n var arrow = this.$refs.arrow || select('.arrow', this.$el);\n var arrowOffset = toFloat(getCS(arrow).width, 0) + toFloat(this.arrowPadding, 0);\n\n switch (OffsetMap[String(placement).toUpperCase()] || 0) {\n /* istanbul ignore next: can't test in JSDOM */\n case +1:\n /* istanbul ignore next: can't test in JSDOM */\n return \"+50%p - \".concat(arrowOffset, \"px\");\n\n /* istanbul ignore next: can't test in JSDOM */\n\n case -1:\n /* istanbul ignore next: can't test in JSDOM */\n return \"-50%p + \".concat(arrowOffset, \"px\");\n\n default:\n return 0;\n }\n }\n /* istanbul ignore next */\n\n\n return this.offset;\n },\n popperCreate: function popperCreate(el) {\n this.destroyPopper(); // We use `el` rather than `this.$el` just in case the original\n // mountpoint root element type was changed by the template\n\n this.$_popper = new Popper(this.target, el, this.popperConfig);\n },\n destroyPopper: function destroyPopper() {\n this.$_popper && this.$_popper.destroy();\n this.$_popper = null;\n },\n updatePopper: function updatePopper() {\n this.$_popper && this.$_popper.scheduleUpdate();\n },\n popperPlacementChange: function popperPlacementChange(data) {\n // Callback used by popper to adjust the arrow placement\n this.attachment = this.getAttachment(data.placement);\n },\n\n /* istanbul ignore next */\n renderTemplate: function renderTemplate(h) {\n // Will be overridden by templates\n return h('div');\n }\n },\n render: function render(h) {\n var _this3 = this;\n\n var noFade = this.noFade; // Note: 'show' and 'fade' classes are only appled during transition\n\n return h(BVTransition, {\n // Transitions as soon as mounted\n props: {\n appear: true,\n noFade: noFade\n },\n on: {\n // Events used by parent component/instance\n beforeEnter: function beforeEnter(el) {\n return _this3.$emit(EVENT_NAME_SHOW, el);\n },\n afterEnter: function afterEnter(el) {\n return _this3.$emit(EVENT_NAME_SHOWN, el);\n },\n beforeLeave: function beforeLeave(el) {\n return _this3.$emit(EVENT_NAME_HIDE, el);\n },\n afterLeave: function afterLeave(el) {\n return _this3.$emit(EVENT_NAME_HIDDEN, el);\n }\n }\n }, [this.localShow ? this.renderTemplate(h) : h()]);\n }\n});","function ownKeys(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); if (enumerableOnly) symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; }); keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; }\n\nfunction _objectSpread(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i] != null ? arguments[i] : {}; if (i % 2) { ownKeys(Object(source), true).forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }); } else if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors) { Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)); } else { ownKeys(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } } return target; }\n\nfunction _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }\n\nimport { Vue } from '../../../vue';\nimport { NAME_TOOLTIP_TEMPLATE } from '../../../constants/components';\nimport { EVENT_NAME_FOCUSIN, EVENT_NAME_FOCUSOUT, EVENT_NAME_MOUSEENTER, EVENT_NAME_MOUSELEAVE } from '../../../constants/events';\nimport { PROP_TYPE_BOOLEAN, PROP_TYPE_STRING } from '../../../constants/props';\nimport { isFunction } from '../../../utils/inspect';\nimport { makeProp } from '../../../utils/props';\nimport { scopedStyleMixin } from '../../../mixins/scoped-style';\nimport { BVPopper } from './bv-popper'; // --- Props ---\n\nexport var props = {\n // Used only by the directive versions\n html: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_BOOLEAN, false),\n // Other non-reactive (while open) props are pulled in from BVPopper\n id: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_STRING)\n}; // --- Main component ---\n// @vue/component\n\nexport var BVTooltipTemplate = /*#__PURE__*/Vue.extend({\n name: NAME_TOOLTIP_TEMPLATE,\n extends: BVPopper,\n mixins: [scopedStyleMixin],\n props: props,\n data: function data() {\n // We use data, rather than props to ensure reactivity\n // Parent component will directly set this data\n return {\n title: '',\n content: '',\n variant: null,\n customClass: null,\n interactive: true\n };\n },\n computed: {\n templateType: function templateType() {\n return 'tooltip';\n },\n templateClasses: function templateClasses() {\n var _ref;\n\n var variant = this.variant,\n attachment = this.attachment,\n templateType = this.templateType;\n return [(_ref = {\n // Disables pointer events to hide the tooltip when the user\n // hovers over its content\n noninteractive: !this.interactive\n }, _defineProperty(_ref, \"b-\".concat(templateType, \"-\").concat(variant), variant), _defineProperty(_ref, \"bs-\".concat(templateType, \"-\").concat(attachment), attachment), _ref), this.customClass];\n },\n templateAttributes: function templateAttributes() {\n var id = this.id;\n return _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, this.$parent.$parent.$attrs), {}, {\n id: id,\n role: 'tooltip',\n tabindex: '-1'\n }, this.scopedStyleAttrs);\n },\n templateListeners: function templateListeners() {\n var _this = this;\n\n // Used for hover/focus trigger listeners\n return {\n mouseenter:\n /* istanbul ignore next */\n function mouseenter(event) {\n _this.$emit(EVENT_NAME_MOUSEENTER, event);\n },\n mouseleave:\n /* istanbul ignore next */\n function mouseleave(event) {\n _this.$emit(EVENT_NAME_MOUSELEAVE, event);\n },\n focusin:\n /* istanbul ignore next */\n function focusin(event) {\n _this.$emit(EVENT_NAME_FOCUSIN, event);\n },\n focusout:\n /* istanbul ignore next */\n function focusout(event) {\n _this.$emit(EVENT_NAME_FOCUSOUT, event);\n }\n };\n }\n },\n methods: {\n renderTemplate: function renderTemplate(h) {\n var title = this.title; // Title can be a scoped slot function\n\n var $title = isFunction(title) ? title({}) : title; // Directive versions only\n\n var domProps = this.html && !isFunction(title) ? {\n innerHTML: title\n } : {};\n return h('div', {\n staticClass: 'tooltip b-tooltip',\n class: this.templateClasses,\n attrs: this.templateAttributes,\n on: this.templateListeners\n }, [h('div', {\n staticClass: 'arrow',\n ref: 'arrow'\n }), h('div', {\n staticClass: 'tooltip-inner',\n domProps: domProps\n }, [$title])]);\n }\n }\n});","function ownKeys(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); if (enumerableOnly) symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; }); keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; }\n\nfunction _objectSpread(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i] != null ? arguments[i] : {}; if (i % 2) { ownKeys(Object(source), true).forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }); } else if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors) { Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)); } else { ownKeys(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } } return target; }\n\nfunction _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }\n\n// Tooltip \"Class\" (Built as a renderless Vue instance)\n//\n// Handles trigger events, etc.\n// Instantiates template on demand\nimport { COMPONENT_UID_KEY, Vue } from '../../../vue';\nimport { NAME_MODAL, NAME_TOOLTIP_HELPER } from '../../../constants/components';\nimport { EVENT_NAME_DISABLE, EVENT_NAME_DISABLED, EVENT_NAME_ENABLE, EVENT_NAME_ENABLED, EVENT_NAME_FOCUSIN, EVENT_NAME_FOCUSOUT, EVENT_NAME_HIDDEN, EVENT_NAME_HIDE, EVENT_NAME_MOUSEENTER, EVENT_NAME_MOUSELEAVE, EVENT_NAME_SHOW, EVENT_NAME_SHOWN, EVENT_OPTIONS_NO_CAPTURE, HOOK_EVENT_NAME_BEFORE_DESTROY, HOOK_EVENT_NAME_DESTROYED } from '../../../constants/events';\nimport { arrayIncludes, concat, from as arrayFrom } from '../../../utils/array';\nimport { attemptFocus, closest, contains, getAttr, getById, hasAttr, hasClass, isDisabled, isElement, isVisible, removeAttr, requestAF, select, setAttr } from '../../../utils/dom';\nimport { eventOff, eventOn, eventOnOff, getRootActionEventName, getRootEventName } from '../../../utils/events';\nimport { getScopeId } from '../../../utils/get-scope-id';\nimport { identity } from '../../../utils/identity';\nimport { isFunction, isNumber, isPlainObject, isString, isUndefined, isUndefinedOrNull } from '../../../utils/inspect';\nimport { looseEqual } from '../../../utils/loose-equal';\nimport { mathMax } from '../../../utils/math';\nimport { noop } from '../../../utils/noop';\nimport { toInteger } from '../../../utils/number';\nimport { keys } from '../../../utils/object';\nimport { warn } from '../../../utils/warn';\nimport { BvEvent } from '../../../utils/bv-event.class';\nimport { listenOnRootMixin } from '../../../mixins/listen-on-root';\nimport { BVTooltipTemplate } from './bv-tooltip-template'; // --- Constants ---\n// Modal container selector for appending tooltip/popover\n\nvar MODAL_SELECTOR = '.modal-content'; // Modal `$root` hidden event\n\nvar ROOT_EVENT_NAME_MODAL_HIDDEN = getRootEventName(NAME_MODAL, EVENT_NAME_HIDDEN); // Sidebar container selector for appending tooltip/popover\n\nvar SIDEBAR_SELECTOR = '.b-sidebar'; // For finding the container to append to\n\nvar CONTAINER_SELECTOR = [MODAL_SELECTOR, SIDEBAR_SELECTOR].join(', '); // For dropdown sniffing\n\nvar DROPDOWN_CLASS = 'dropdown';\nvar DROPDOWN_OPEN_SELECTOR = '.dropdown-menu.show'; // Data attribute to temporary store the `title` attribute's value\n\nvar DATA_TITLE_ATTR = 'data-original-title'; // Data specific to popper and template\n// We don't use props, as we need reactivity (we can't pass reactive props)\n\nvar templateData = {\n // Text string or Scoped slot function\n title: '',\n // Text string or Scoped slot function\n content: '',\n // String\n variant: null,\n // String, Array, Object\n customClass: null,\n // String or array of Strings (overwritten by BVPopper)\n triggers: '',\n // String (overwritten by BVPopper)\n placement: 'auto',\n // String or array of strings\n fallbackPlacement: 'flip',\n // Element or Component reference (or function that returns element) of\n // the element that will have the trigger events bound, and is also\n // default element for positioning\n target: null,\n // HTML ID, Element or Component reference\n container: null,\n // 'body'\n // Boolean\n noFade: false,\n // 'scrollParent', 'viewport', 'window', Element, or Component reference\n boundary: 'scrollParent',\n // Tooltip/popover will try and stay away from\n // boundary edge by this many pixels (Number)\n boundaryPadding: 5,\n // Arrow offset (Number)\n offset: 0,\n // Hover/focus delay (Number or Object)\n delay: 0,\n // Arrow of Tooltip/popover will try and stay away from\n // the edge of tooltip/popover edge by this many pixels\n arrowPadding: 6,\n // Interactive state (Boolean)\n interactive: true,\n // Disabled state (Boolean)\n disabled: false,\n // ID to use for tooltip/popover\n id: null,\n // Flag used by directives only, for HTML content\n html: false\n}; // --- Main component ---\n// @vue/component\n\nexport var BVTooltip = /*#__PURE__*/Vue.extend({\n name: NAME_TOOLTIP_HELPER,\n mixins: [listenOnRootMixin],\n data: function data() {\n return _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, templateData), {}, {\n // State management data\n activeTrigger: {\n // manual: false,\n hover: false,\n click: false,\n focus: false\n },\n localShow: false\n });\n },\n computed: {\n templateType: function templateType() {\n // Overwritten by BVPopover\n return 'tooltip';\n },\n computedId: function computedId() {\n return this.id || \"__bv_\".concat(this.templateType, \"_\").concat(this[COMPONENT_UID_KEY], \"__\");\n },\n computedDelay: function computedDelay() {\n // Normalizes delay into object form\n var delay = {\n show: 0,\n hide: 0\n };\n\n if (isPlainObject(this.delay)) {\n delay.show = mathMax(toInteger(this.delay.show, 0), 0);\n delay.hide = mathMax(toInteger(this.delay.hide, 0), 0);\n } else if (isNumber(this.delay) || isString(this.delay)) {\n delay.show = delay.hide = mathMax(toInteger(this.delay, 0), 0);\n }\n\n return delay;\n },\n computedTriggers: function computedTriggers() {\n // Returns the triggers in sorted array form\n // TODO: Switch this to object form for easier lookup\n return concat(this.triggers).filter(identity).join(' ').trim().toLowerCase().split(/\\s+/).sort();\n },\n isWithActiveTrigger: function isWithActiveTrigger() {\n for (var trigger in this.activeTrigger) {\n if (this.activeTrigger[trigger]) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n\n return false;\n },\n computedTemplateData: function computedTemplateData() {\n var title = this.title,\n content = this.content,\n variant = this.variant,\n customClass = this.customClass,\n noFade = this.noFade,\n interactive = this.interactive;\n return {\n title: title,\n content: content,\n variant: variant,\n customClass: customClass,\n noFade: noFade,\n interactive: interactive\n };\n }\n },\n watch: {\n computedTriggers: function computedTriggers(newTriggers, oldTriggers) {\n var _this = this;\n\n // Triggers have changed, so re-register them\n\n /* istanbul ignore next */\n if (!looseEqual(newTriggers, oldTriggers)) {\n this.$nextTick(function () {\n // Disable trigger listeners\n _this.unListen(); // Clear any active triggers that are no longer in the list of triggers\n\n\n oldTriggers.forEach(function (trigger) {\n if (!arrayIncludes(newTriggers, trigger)) {\n if (_this.activeTrigger[trigger]) {\n _this.activeTrigger[trigger] = false;\n }\n }\n }); // Re-enable the trigger listeners\n\n _this.listen();\n });\n }\n },\n computedTemplateData: function computedTemplateData() {\n // If any of the while open reactive \"props\" change,\n // ensure that the template updates accordingly\n this.handleTemplateUpdate();\n },\n title: function title(newValue, oldValue) {\n // Make sure to hide the tooltip when the title is set empty\n if (newValue !== oldValue && !newValue) {\n this.hide();\n }\n },\n disabled: function disabled(newValue) {\n if (newValue) {\n this.disable();\n } else {\n this.enable();\n }\n }\n },\n created: function created() {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n // Create non-reactive properties\n this.$_tip = null;\n this.$_hoverTimeout = null;\n this.$_hoverState = '';\n this.$_visibleInterval = null;\n this.$_enabled = !this.disabled;\n this.$_noop = noop.bind(this); // Destroy ourselves when the parent is destroyed\n\n if (this.$parent) {\n this.$parent.$once(HOOK_EVENT_NAME_BEFORE_DESTROY, function () {\n _this2.$nextTick(function () {\n // In a `requestAF()` to release control back to application\n requestAF(function () {\n _this2.$destroy();\n });\n });\n });\n }\n\n this.$nextTick(function () {\n var target = _this2.getTarget();\n\n if (target && contains(document.body, target)) {\n // Copy the parent's scoped style attribute\n _this2.scopeId = getScopeId(_this2.$parent); // Set up all trigger handlers and listeners\n\n _this2.listen();\n } else {\n /* istanbul ignore next */\n warn(isString(_this2.target) ? \"Unable to find target element by ID \\\"#\".concat(_this2.target, \"\\\" in document.\") : 'The provided target is no valid HTML element.', _this2.templateType);\n }\n });\n },\n\n /* istanbul ignore next */\n updated: function updated() {\n // Usually called when the slots/data changes\n this.$nextTick(this.handleTemplateUpdate);\n },\n\n /* istanbul ignore next */\n deactivated: function deactivated() {\n // In a keepalive that has been deactivated, so hide\n // the tooltip/popover if it is showing\n this.forceHide();\n },\n beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy() {\n // Remove all handler/listeners\n this.unListen();\n this.setWhileOpenListeners(false); // Clear any timeouts/intervals\n\n this.clearHoverTimeout();\n this.clearVisibilityInterval(); // Destroy the template\n\n this.destroyTemplate(); // Remove any other private properties created during create\n\n this.$_noop = null;\n },\n methods: {\n // --- Methods for creating and destroying the template ---\n getTemplate: function getTemplate() {\n // Overridden by BVPopover\n return BVTooltipTemplate;\n },\n updateData: function updateData() {\n var _this3 = this;\n\n var data = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};\n // Method for updating popper/template data\n // We only update data if it exists, and has not changed\n var titleUpdated = false;\n keys(templateData).forEach(function (prop) {\n if (!isUndefined(data[prop]) && _this3[prop] !== data[prop]) {\n _this3[prop] = data[prop];\n\n if (prop === 'title') {\n titleUpdated = true;\n }\n }\n }); // If the title has updated, we may need to handle the `title`\n // attribute on the trigger target\n // We only do this while the template is open\n\n if (titleUpdated && this.localShow) {\n this.fixTitle();\n }\n },\n createTemplateAndShow: function createTemplateAndShow() {\n // Creates the template instance and show it\n var container = this.getContainer();\n var Template = this.getTemplate();\n var $tip = this.$_tip = new Template({\n parent: this,\n // The following is not reactive to changes in the props data\n propsData: {\n // These values cannot be changed while template is showing\n id: this.computedId,\n html: this.html,\n placement: this.placement,\n fallbackPlacement: this.fallbackPlacement,\n target: this.getPlacementTarget(),\n boundary: this.getBoundary(),\n // Ensure the following are integers\n offset: toInteger(this.offset, 0),\n arrowPadding: toInteger(this.arrowPadding, 0),\n boundaryPadding: toInteger(this.boundaryPadding, 0)\n }\n }); // We set the initial reactive data (values that can be changed while open)\n\n this.handleTemplateUpdate(); // Template transition phase events (handled once only)\n // When the template has mounted, but not visibly shown yet\n\n $tip.$once(EVENT_NAME_SHOW, this.onTemplateShow); // When the template has completed showing\n\n $tip.$once(EVENT_NAME_SHOWN, this.onTemplateShown); // When the template has started to hide\n\n $tip.$once(EVENT_NAME_HIDE, this.onTemplateHide); // When the template has completed hiding\n\n $tip.$once(EVENT_NAME_HIDDEN, this.onTemplateHidden); // When the template gets destroyed for any reason\n\n $tip.$once(HOOK_EVENT_NAME_DESTROYED, this.destroyTemplate); // Convenience events from template\n // To save us from manually adding/removing DOM\n // listeners to tip element when it is open\n\n $tip.$on(EVENT_NAME_FOCUSIN, this.handleEvent);\n $tip.$on(EVENT_NAME_FOCUSOUT, this.handleEvent);\n $tip.$on(EVENT_NAME_MOUSEENTER, this.handleEvent);\n $tip.$on(EVENT_NAME_MOUSELEAVE, this.handleEvent); // Mount (which triggers the `show`)\n\n $tip.$mount(container.appendChild(document.createElement('div'))); // Template will automatically remove its markup from DOM when hidden\n },\n hideTemplate: function hideTemplate() {\n // Trigger the template to start hiding\n // The template will emit the `hide` event after this and\n // then emit the `hidden` event once it is fully hidden\n // The `hook:destroyed` will also be called (safety measure)\n this.$_tip && this.$_tip.hide(); // Clear out any stragging active triggers\n\n this.clearActiveTriggers(); // Reset the hover state\n\n this.$_hoverState = '';\n },\n // Destroy the template instance and reset state\n destroyTemplate: function destroyTemplate() {\n this.setWhileOpenListeners(false);\n this.clearHoverTimeout();\n this.$_hoverState = '';\n this.clearActiveTriggers();\n this.localPlacementTarget = null;\n\n try {\n this.$_tip.$destroy();\n } catch (_unused) {}\n\n this.$_tip = null;\n this.removeAriaDescribedby();\n this.restoreTitle();\n this.localShow = false;\n },\n getTemplateElement: function getTemplateElement() {\n return this.$_tip ? this.$_tip.$el : null;\n },\n handleTemplateUpdate: function handleTemplateUpdate() {\n var _this4 = this;\n\n // Update our template title/content \"props\"\n // So that the template updates accordingly\n var $tip = this.$_tip;\n\n if ($tip) {\n var props = ['title', 'content', 'variant', 'customClass', 'noFade', 'interactive']; // Only update the values if they have changed\n\n props.forEach(function (prop) {\n if ($tip[prop] !== _this4[prop]) {\n $tip[prop] = _this4[prop];\n }\n });\n }\n },\n // --- Show/Hide handlers ---\n // Show the tooltip\n show: function show() {\n var target = this.getTarget();\n\n if (!target || !contains(document.body, target) || !isVisible(target) || this.dropdownOpen() || (isUndefinedOrNull(this.title) || this.title === '') && (isUndefinedOrNull(this.content) || this.content === '')) {\n // If trigger element isn't in the DOM or is not visible, or\n // is on an open dropdown toggle, or has no content, then\n // we exit without showing\n return;\n } // If tip already exists, exit early\n\n\n if (this.$_tip || this.localShow) {\n /* istanbul ignore next */\n return;\n } // In the process of showing\n\n\n this.localShow = true; // Create a cancelable BvEvent\n\n var showEvt = this.buildEvent(EVENT_NAME_SHOW, {\n cancelable: true\n });\n this.emitEvent(showEvt); // Don't show if event cancelled\n\n /* istanbul ignore if */\n\n if (showEvt.defaultPrevented) {\n // Destroy the template (if for some reason it was created)\n this.destroyTemplate();\n return;\n } // Fix the title attribute on target\n\n\n this.fixTitle(); // Set aria-describedby on target\n\n this.addAriaDescribedby(); // Create and show the tooltip\n\n this.createTemplateAndShow();\n },\n hide: function hide() {\n var force = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : false;\n // Hide the tooltip\n var tip = this.getTemplateElement();\n /* istanbul ignore if */\n\n if (!tip || !this.localShow) {\n this.restoreTitle();\n return;\n } // Emit cancelable BvEvent 'hide'\n // We disable cancelling if `force` is true\n\n\n var hideEvt = this.buildEvent(EVENT_NAME_HIDE, {\n cancelable: !force\n });\n this.emitEvent(hideEvt);\n /* istanbul ignore if: ignore for now */\n\n if (hideEvt.defaultPrevented) {\n // Don't hide if event cancelled\n return;\n } // Tell the template to hide\n\n\n this.hideTemplate();\n },\n forceHide: function forceHide() {\n // Forcefully hides/destroys the template, regardless of any active triggers\n var tip = this.getTemplateElement();\n\n if (!tip || !this.localShow) {\n /* istanbul ignore next */\n return;\n } // Disable while open listeners/watchers\n // This is also done in the template `hide` event handler\n\n\n this.setWhileOpenListeners(false); // Clear any hover enter/leave event\n\n this.clearHoverTimeout();\n this.$_hoverState = '';\n this.clearActiveTriggers(); // Disable the fade animation on the template\n\n if (this.$_tip) {\n this.$_tip.noFade = true;\n } // Hide the tip (with force = true)\n\n\n this.hide(true);\n },\n enable: function enable() {\n this.$_enabled = true; // Create a non-cancelable BvEvent\n\n this.emitEvent(this.buildEvent(EVENT_NAME_ENABLED));\n },\n disable: function disable() {\n this.$_enabled = false; // Create a non-cancelable BvEvent\n\n this.emitEvent(this.buildEvent(EVENT_NAME_DISABLED));\n },\n // --- Handlers for template events ---\n // When template is inserted into DOM, but not yet shown\n onTemplateShow: function onTemplateShow() {\n // Enable while open listeners/watchers\n this.setWhileOpenListeners(true);\n },\n // When template show transition completes\n onTemplateShown: function onTemplateShown() {\n var prevHoverState = this.$_hoverState;\n this.$_hoverState = '';\n /* istanbul ignore next: occasional Node 10 coverage error */\n\n if (prevHoverState === 'out') {\n this.leave(null);\n } // Emit a non-cancelable BvEvent 'shown'\n\n\n this.emitEvent(this.buildEvent(EVENT_NAME_SHOWN));\n },\n // When template is starting to hide\n onTemplateHide: function onTemplateHide() {\n // Disable while open listeners/watchers\n this.setWhileOpenListeners(false);\n },\n // When template has completed closing (just before it self destructs)\n onTemplateHidden: function onTemplateHidden() {\n // Destroy the template\n this.destroyTemplate(); // Emit a non-cancelable BvEvent 'shown'\n\n this.emitEvent(this.buildEvent(EVENT_NAME_HIDDEN));\n },\n // --- Helper methods ---\n getTarget: function getTarget() {\n var target = this.target;\n\n if (isString(target)) {\n target = getById(target.replace(/^#/, ''));\n } else if (isFunction(target)) {\n target = target();\n } else if (target) {\n target = target.$el || target;\n }\n\n return isElement(target) ? target : null;\n },\n getPlacementTarget: function getPlacementTarget() {\n // This is the target that the tooltip will be placed on, which may not\n // necessarily be the same element that has the trigger event listeners\n // For now, this is the same as target\n // TODO:\n // Add in child selector support\n // Add in visibility checks for this element\n // Fallback to target if not found\n return this.getTarget();\n },\n getTargetId: function getTargetId() {\n // Returns the ID of the trigger element\n var target = this.getTarget();\n return target && target.id ? target.id : null;\n },\n getContainer: function getContainer() {\n // Handle case where container may be a component ref\n var container = this.container ? this.container.$el || this.container : false;\n var body = document.body;\n var target = this.getTarget(); // If we are in a modal, we append to the modal, If we\n // are in a sidebar, we append to the sidebar, else append\n // to body, unless a container is specified\n // TODO:\n // Template should periodically check to see if it is in dom\n // And if not, self destruct (if container got v-if'ed out of DOM)\n // Or this could possibly be part of the visibility check\n\n return container === false ? closest(CONTAINER_SELECTOR, target) || body :\n /*istanbul ignore next */\n isString(container) ?\n /*istanbul ignore next */\n getById(container.replace(/^#/, '')) || body :\n /*istanbul ignore next */\n body;\n },\n getBoundary: function getBoundary() {\n return this.boundary ? this.boundary.$el || this.boundary : 'scrollParent';\n },\n isInModal: function isInModal() {\n var target = this.getTarget();\n return target && closest(MODAL_SELECTOR, target);\n },\n isDropdown: function isDropdown() {\n // Returns true if trigger is a dropdown\n var target = this.getTarget();\n return target && hasClass(target, DROPDOWN_CLASS);\n },\n dropdownOpen: function dropdownOpen() {\n // Returns true if trigger is a dropdown and the dropdown menu is open\n var target = this.getTarget();\n return this.isDropdown() && target && select(DROPDOWN_OPEN_SELECTOR, target);\n },\n clearHoverTimeout: function clearHoverTimeout() {\n clearTimeout(this.$_hoverTimeout);\n this.$_hoverTimeout = null;\n },\n clearVisibilityInterval: function clearVisibilityInterval() {\n clearInterval(this.$_visibleInterval);\n this.$_visibleInterval = null;\n },\n clearActiveTriggers: function clearActiveTriggers() {\n for (var trigger in this.activeTrigger) {\n this.activeTrigger[trigger] = false;\n }\n },\n addAriaDescribedby: function addAriaDescribedby() {\n // Add aria-describedby on trigger element, without removing any other IDs\n var target = this.getTarget();\n var desc = getAttr(target, 'aria-describedby') || '';\n desc = desc.split(/\\s+/).concat(this.computedId).join(' ').trim(); // Update/add aria-described by\n\n setAttr(target, 'aria-describedby', desc);\n },\n removeAriaDescribedby: function removeAriaDescribedby() {\n var _this5 = this;\n\n // Remove aria-describedby on trigger element, without removing any other IDs\n var target = this.getTarget();\n var desc = getAttr(target, 'aria-describedby') || '';\n desc = desc.split(/\\s+/).filter(function (d) {\n return d !== _this5.computedId;\n }).join(' ').trim(); // Update or remove aria-describedby\n\n if (desc) {\n /* istanbul ignore next */\n setAttr(target, 'aria-describedby', desc);\n } else {\n removeAttr(target, 'aria-describedby');\n }\n },\n fixTitle: function fixTitle() {\n // If the target has a `title` attribute,\n // remove it and store it on a data attribute\n var target = this.getTarget();\n\n if (hasAttr(target, 'title')) {\n // Get `title` attribute value and remove it from target\n var title = getAttr(target, 'title');\n setAttr(target, 'title', ''); // Only set the data attribute when the value is truthy\n\n if (title) {\n setAttr(target, DATA_TITLE_ATTR, title);\n }\n }\n },\n restoreTitle: function restoreTitle() {\n // If the target had a `title` attribute,\n // restore it and remove the data attribute\n var target = this.getTarget();\n\n if (hasAttr(target, DATA_TITLE_ATTR)) {\n // Get data attribute value and remove it from target\n var title = getAttr(target, DATA_TITLE_ATTR);\n removeAttr(target, DATA_TITLE_ATTR); // Only restore the `title` attribute when the value is truthy\n\n if (title) {\n setAttr(target, 'title', title);\n }\n }\n },\n // --- BvEvent helpers ---\n buildEvent: function buildEvent(type) {\n var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};\n // Defaults to a non-cancellable event\n return new BvEvent(type, _objectSpread({\n cancelable: false,\n target: this.getTarget(),\n relatedTarget: this.getTemplateElement() || null,\n componentId: this.computedId,\n vueTarget: this\n }, options));\n },\n emitEvent: function emitEvent(bvEvent) {\n var type = bvEvent.type;\n this.emitOnRoot(getRootEventName(this.templateType, type), bvEvent);\n this.$emit(type, bvEvent);\n },\n // --- Event handler setup methods ---\n listen: function listen() {\n var _this6 = this;\n\n // Enable trigger event handlers\n var el = this.getTarget();\n\n if (!el) {\n /* istanbul ignore next */\n return;\n } // Listen for global show/hide events\n\n\n this.setRootListener(true); // Set up our listeners on the target trigger element\n\n this.computedTriggers.forEach(function (trigger) {\n if (trigger === 'click') {\n eventOn(el, 'click', _this6.handleEvent, EVENT_OPTIONS_NO_CAPTURE);\n } else if (trigger === 'focus') {\n eventOn(el, 'focusin', _this6.handleEvent, EVENT_OPTIONS_NO_CAPTURE);\n eventOn(el, 'focusout', _this6.handleEvent, EVENT_OPTIONS_NO_CAPTURE);\n } else if (trigger === 'blur') {\n // Used to close $tip when element looses focus\n\n /* istanbul ignore next */\n eventOn(el, 'focusout', _this6.handleEvent, EVENT_OPTIONS_NO_CAPTURE);\n } else if (trigger === 'hover') {\n eventOn(el, 'mouseenter', _this6.handleEvent, EVENT_OPTIONS_NO_CAPTURE);\n eventOn(el, 'mouseleave', _this6.handleEvent, EVENT_OPTIONS_NO_CAPTURE);\n }\n }, this);\n },\n\n /* istanbul ignore next */\n unListen: function unListen() {\n var _this7 = this;\n\n // Remove trigger event handlers\n var events = ['click', 'focusin', 'focusout', 'mouseenter', 'mouseleave'];\n var target = this.getTarget(); // Stop listening for global show/hide/enable/disable events\n\n this.setRootListener(false); // Clear out any active target listeners\n\n events.forEach(function (event) {\n target && eventOff(target, event, _this7.handleEvent, EVENT_OPTIONS_NO_CAPTURE);\n }, this);\n },\n setRootListener: function setRootListener(on) {\n // Listen for global `bv::{hide|show}::{tooltip|popover}` hide request event\n var $root = this.$root;\n\n if ($root) {\n var method = on ? '$on' : '$off';\n var type = this.templateType;\n $root[method](getRootActionEventName(type, EVENT_NAME_HIDE), this.doHide);\n $root[method](getRootActionEventName(type, EVENT_NAME_SHOW), this.doShow);\n $root[method](getRootActionEventName(type, EVENT_NAME_DISABLE), this.doDisable);\n $root[method](getRootActionEventName(type, EVENT_NAME_ENABLE), this.doEnable);\n }\n },\n setWhileOpenListeners: function setWhileOpenListeners(on) {\n // Events that are only registered when the template is showing\n // Modal close events\n this.setModalListener(on); // Dropdown open events (if we are attached to a dropdown)\n\n this.setDropdownListener(on); // Periodic $element visibility check\n // For handling when tip target is in , tabs, carousel, etc\n\n this.visibleCheck(on); // On-touch start listeners\n\n this.setOnTouchStartListener(on);\n },\n // Handler for periodic visibility check\n visibleCheck: function visibleCheck(on) {\n var _this8 = this;\n\n this.clearVisibilityInterval();\n var target = this.getTarget();\n var tip = this.getTemplateElement();\n\n if (on) {\n this.$_visibleInterval = setInterval(function () {\n if (tip && _this8.localShow && (!target.parentNode || !isVisible(target))) {\n // Target element is no longer visible or not in DOM, so force-hide the tooltip\n _this8.forceHide();\n }\n }, 100);\n }\n },\n setModalListener: function setModalListener(on) {\n // Handle case where tooltip/target is in a modal\n if (this.isInModal()) {\n // We can listen for modal hidden events on `$root`\n this.$root[on ? '$on' : '$off'](ROOT_EVENT_NAME_MODAL_HIDDEN, this.forceHide);\n }\n },\n\n /* istanbul ignore next: JSDOM doesn't support `ontouchstart` */\n setOnTouchStartListener: function setOnTouchStartListener(on) {\n var _this9 = this;\n\n // If this is a touch-enabled device we add extra empty\n // `mouseover` listeners to the body's immediate children\n // Only needed because of broken event delegation on iOS\n // https://www.quirksmode.org/blog/archives/2014/02/mouse_event_bub.html\n if ('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement) {\n arrayFrom(document.body.children).forEach(function (el) {\n eventOnOff(on, el, 'mouseover', _this9.$_noop);\n });\n }\n },\n setDropdownListener: function setDropdownListener(on) {\n var target = this.getTarget();\n\n if (!target || !this.$root || !this.isDropdown) {\n return;\n } // We can listen for dropdown shown events on its instance\n // TODO:\n // We could grab the ID from the dropdown, and listen for\n // $root events for that particular dropdown id\n // Dropdown shown and hidden events will need to emit\n // Note: Dropdown auto-ID happens in a `$nextTick()` after mount\n // So the ID lookup would need to be done in a `$nextTick()`\n\n\n if (target.__vue__) {\n target.__vue__[on ? '$on' : '$off'](EVENT_NAME_SHOWN, this.forceHide);\n }\n },\n // --- Event handlers ---\n handleEvent: function handleEvent(event) {\n // General trigger event handler\n // target is the trigger element\n var target = this.getTarget();\n\n if (!target || isDisabled(target) || !this.$_enabled || this.dropdownOpen()) {\n // If disabled or not enabled, or if a dropdown that is open, don't do anything\n // If tip is shown before element gets disabled, then tip will not\n // close until no longer disabled or forcefully closed\n return;\n }\n\n var type = event.type;\n var triggers = this.computedTriggers;\n\n if (type === 'click' && arrayIncludes(triggers, 'click')) {\n this.click(event);\n } else if (type === 'mouseenter' && arrayIncludes(triggers, 'hover')) {\n // `mouseenter` is a non-bubbling event\n this.enter(event);\n } else if (type === 'focusin' && arrayIncludes(triggers, 'focus')) {\n // `focusin` is a bubbling event\n // `event` includes `relatedTarget` (element losing focus)\n this.enter(event);\n } else if (type === 'focusout' && (arrayIncludes(triggers, 'focus') || arrayIncludes(triggers, 'blur')) || type === 'mouseleave' && arrayIncludes(triggers, 'hover')) {\n // `focusout` is a bubbling event\n // `mouseleave` is a non-bubbling event\n // `tip` is the template (will be null if not open)\n var tip = this.getTemplateElement(); // `eventTarget` is the element which is losing focus/hover and\n\n var eventTarget = event.target; // `relatedTarget` is the element gaining focus/hover\n\n var relatedTarget = event.relatedTarget;\n /* istanbul ignore next */\n\n if ( // From tip to target\n tip && contains(tip, eventTarget) && contains(target, relatedTarget) || // From target to tip\n tip && contains(target, eventTarget) && contains(tip, relatedTarget) || // Within tip\n tip && contains(tip, eventTarget) && contains(tip, relatedTarget) || // Within target\n contains(target, eventTarget) && contains(target, relatedTarget)) {\n // If focus/hover moves within `tip` and `target`, don't trigger a leave\n return;\n } // Otherwise trigger a leave\n\n\n this.leave(event);\n }\n },\n doHide: function doHide(id) {\n // Programmatically hide tooltip or popover\n if (!id || this.getTargetId() === id || this.computedId === id) {\n // Close all tooltips or popovers, or this specific tip (with ID)\n this.forceHide();\n }\n },\n doShow: function doShow(id) {\n // Programmatically show tooltip or popover\n if (!id || this.getTargetId() === id || this.computedId === id) {\n // Open all tooltips or popovers, or this specific tip (with ID)\n this.show();\n }\n },\n\n /*istanbul ignore next: ignore for now */\n doDisable: function doDisable(id)\n /*istanbul ignore next: ignore for now */\n {\n // Programmatically disable tooltip or popover\n if (!id || this.getTargetId() === id || this.computedId === id) {\n // Disable all tooltips or popovers (no ID), or this specific tip (with ID)\n this.disable();\n }\n },\n\n /*istanbul ignore next: ignore for now */\n doEnable: function doEnable(id)\n /*istanbul ignore next: ignore for now */\n {\n // Programmatically enable tooltip or popover\n if (!id || this.getTargetId() === id || this.computedId === id) {\n // Enable all tooltips or popovers (no ID), or this specific tip (with ID)\n this.enable();\n }\n },\n click: function click(event) {\n if (!this.$_enabled || this.dropdownOpen()) {\n /* istanbul ignore next */\n return;\n } // Get around a WebKit bug where `click` does not trigger focus events\n // On most browsers, `click` triggers a `focusin`/`focus` event first\n // Needed so that trigger 'click blur' works on iOS\n // https://github.com/bootstrap-vue/bootstrap-vue/issues/5099\n // We use `currentTarget` rather than `target` to trigger on the\n // element, not the inner content\n\n\n attemptFocus(event.currentTarget);\n this.activeTrigger.click = !this.activeTrigger.click;\n\n if (this.isWithActiveTrigger) {\n this.enter(null);\n } else {\n /* istanbul ignore next */\n this.leave(null);\n }\n },\n\n /* istanbul ignore next */\n toggle: function toggle() {\n // Manual toggle handler\n if (!this.$_enabled || this.dropdownOpen()) {\n /* istanbul ignore next */\n return;\n } // Should we register as an active trigger?\n // this.activeTrigger.manual = !this.activeTrigger.manual\n\n\n if (this.localShow) {\n this.leave(null);\n } else {\n this.enter(null);\n }\n },\n enter: function enter() {\n var _this10 = this;\n\n var event = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : null;\n\n // Opening trigger handler\n // Note: Click events are sent with event === null\n if (event) {\n this.activeTrigger[event.type === 'focusin' ? 'focus' : 'hover'] = true;\n }\n /* istanbul ignore next */\n\n\n if (this.localShow || this.$_hoverState === 'in') {\n this.$_hoverState = 'in';\n return;\n }\n\n this.clearHoverTimeout();\n this.$_hoverState = 'in';\n\n if (!this.computedDelay.show) {\n this.show();\n } else {\n // Hide any title attribute while enter delay is active\n this.fixTitle();\n this.$_hoverTimeout = setTimeout(function () {\n /* istanbul ignore else */\n if (_this10.$_hoverState === 'in') {\n _this10.show();\n } else if (!_this10.localShow) {\n _this10.restoreTitle();\n }\n }, this.computedDelay.show);\n }\n },\n leave: function leave() {\n var _this11 = this;\n\n var event = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : null;\n\n // Closing trigger handler\n // Note: Click events are sent with event === null\n if (event) {\n this.activeTrigger[event.type === 'focusout' ? 'focus' : 'hover'] = false;\n /* istanbul ignore next */\n\n if (event.type === 'focusout' && arrayIncludes(this.computedTriggers, 'blur')) {\n // Special case for `blur`: we clear out the other triggers\n this.activeTrigger.click = false;\n this.activeTrigger.hover = false;\n }\n }\n /* istanbul ignore next: ignore for now */\n\n\n if (this.isWithActiveTrigger) {\n return;\n }\n\n this.clearHoverTimeout();\n this.$_hoverState = 'out';\n\n if (!this.computedDelay.hide) {\n this.hide();\n } else {\n this.$_hoverTimeout = setTimeout(function () {\n if (_this11.$_hoverState === 'out') {\n _this11.hide();\n }\n }, this.computedDelay.hide);\n }\n }\n }\n});","function ownKeys(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); if (enumerableOnly) symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; }); keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; }\n\nfunction _objectSpread(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i] != null ? arguments[i] : {}; if (i % 2) { ownKeys(Object(source), true).forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }); } else if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors) { Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)); } else { ownKeys(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } } return target; }\n\nfunction _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }\n\nimport { mergeData } from '../../vue';\nimport { NAME_ROW } from '../../constants/components';\nimport { PROP_TYPE_BOOLEAN, PROP_TYPE_NUMBER_STRING, PROP_TYPE_STRING } from '../../constants/props';\nimport { arrayIncludes, concat } from '../../utils/array';\nimport { getBreakpointsUpCached } from '../../utils/config';\nimport { identity } from '../../utils/identity';\nimport { memoize } from '../../utils/memoize';\nimport { create, keys, sortKeys } from '../../utils/object';\nimport { makeProp, makePropsConfigurable, suffixPropName } from '../../utils/props';\nimport { lowerCase, toString, trim } from '../../utils/string'; // --- Constants ---\n\nvar COMMON_ALIGNMENT = ['start', 'end', 'center']; // --- Helper methods ---\n// Compute a `row-cols-{breakpoint}-{cols}` class name\n// Memoized function for better performance on generating class names\n\nvar computeRowColsClass = memoize(function (breakpoint, cols) {\n cols = trim(toString(cols));\n return cols ? lowerCase(['row-cols', breakpoint, cols].filter(identity).join('-')) : null;\n}); // Get the breakpoint name from the `rowCols` prop name\n// Memoized function for better performance on extracting breakpoint names\n\nvar computeRowColsBreakpoint = memoize(function (prop) {\n return lowerCase(prop.replace('cols', ''));\n}); // Cached copy of the `row-cols` breakpoint prop names\n// Will be populated when the props are generated\n\nvar rowColsPropList = []; // --- Props ---\n// Prop generator for lazy generation of props\n\nexport var generateProps = function generateProps() {\n // i.e. 'row-cols-2', 'row-cols-md-4', 'row-cols-xl-6', ...\n var rowColsProps = getBreakpointsUpCached().reduce(function (props, breakpoint) {\n props[suffixPropName(breakpoint, 'cols')] = makeProp(PROP_TYPE_NUMBER_STRING);\n return props;\n }, create(null)); // Cache the row-cols prop names\n\n rowColsPropList = keys(rowColsProps); // Return the generated props\n\n return makePropsConfigurable(sortKeys(_objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, rowColsProps), {}, {\n alignContent: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_STRING, null, function (value) {\n return arrayIncludes(concat(COMMON_ALIGNMENT, 'between', 'around', 'stretch'), value);\n }),\n alignH: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_STRING, null, function (value) {\n return arrayIncludes(concat(COMMON_ALIGNMENT, 'between', 'around'), value);\n }),\n alignV: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_STRING, null, function (value) {\n return arrayIncludes(concat(COMMON_ALIGNMENT, 'baseline', 'stretch'), value);\n }),\n noGutters: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_BOOLEAN, false),\n tag: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_STRING, 'div')\n })), NAME_ROW);\n}; // --- Main component ---\n// We do not use `Vue.extend()` here as that would evaluate the props\n// immediately, which we do not want to happen\n// @vue/component\n\nexport var BRow = {\n name: NAME_ROW,\n functional: true,\n\n get props() {\n // Allow props to be lazy evaled on first access and\n // then they become a non-getter afterwards\n // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Functions/get#Smart_self-overwriting_lazy_getters\n delete this.props;\n this.props = generateProps();\n return this.props;\n },\n\n render: function render(h, _ref) {\n var _classList$push;\n\n var props = _ref.props,\n data = _ref.data,\n children = _ref.children;\n var alignV = props.alignV,\n alignH = props.alignH,\n alignContent = props.alignContent; // Loop through row-cols breakpoint props and generate the classes\n\n var classList = [];\n rowColsPropList.forEach(function (prop) {\n var c = computeRowColsClass(computeRowColsBreakpoint(prop), props[prop]); // If a class is returned, push it onto the array\n\n if (c) {\n classList.push(c);\n }\n });\n classList.push((_classList$push = {\n 'no-gutters': props.noGutters\n }, _defineProperty(_classList$push, \"align-items-\".concat(alignV), alignV), _defineProperty(_classList$push, \"justify-content-\".concat(alignH), alignH), _defineProperty(_classList$push, \"align-content-\".concat(alignContent), alignContent), _classList$push));\n return h(props.tag, mergeData(data, {\n staticClass: 'row',\n class: classList\n }), children);\n }\n};","import { Vue } from '../vue';\nimport { PROP_TYPE_BOOLEAN } from '../constants/props';\nimport { makeProp, makePropsConfigurable } from '../utils/props'; // --- Props ---\n\nexport var props = makePropsConfigurable({\n plain: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_BOOLEAN, false)\n}, 'formControls'); // --- Mixin ---\n// @vue/component\n\nexport var formCustomMixin = Vue.extend({\n props: props,\n computed: {\n custom: function custom() {\n return !this.plain;\n }\n }\n});","// We haven't added icon's computed property because it makes this mixin coupled with UI\nexport const togglePasswordVisibility = {\n data () {\n return {\n passwordFieldType: 'password'\n }\n },\n methods: {\n togglePasswordVisibility () {\n this.passwordFieldType = this.passwordFieldType === 'password' ? 'text' : 'password'\n }\n }\n}\n\nexport const _ = null\n","var _objectSpread2;\n\nfunction ownKeys(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); if (enumerableOnly) symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; }); keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; }\n\nfunction _objectSpread(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i] != null ? arguments[i] : {}; if (i % 2) { ownKeys(Object(source), true).forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }); } else if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors) { Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)); } else { ownKeys(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } } return target; }\n\nfunction _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }\n\nimport { Vue } from '../../vue';\nimport { NAME_FORM_CHECKBOX } from '../../constants/components';\nimport { EVENT_NAME_CHANGE, MODEL_EVENT_NAME_PREFIX } from '../../constants/events';\nimport { PROP_TYPE_ANY, PROP_TYPE_BOOLEAN } from '../../constants/props';\nimport { isArray } from '../../utils/inspect';\nimport { looseEqual } from '../../utils/loose-equal';\nimport { looseIndexOf } from '../../utils/loose-index-of';\nimport { sortKeys } from '../../utils/object';\nimport { makeProp, makePropsConfigurable } from '../../utils/props';\nimport { MODEL_EVENT_NAME, formRadioCheckMixin, props as formRadioCheckProps } from '../../mixins/form-radio-check'; // --- Constants ---\n\nvar MODEL_PROP_NAME_INDETERMINATE = 'indeterminate';\nvar MODEL_EVENT_NAME_INDETERMINATE = MODEL_EVENT_NAME_PREFIX + MODEL_PROP_NAME_INDETERMINATE; // --- Props ---\n\nexport var props = makePropsConfigurable(sortKeys(_objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, formRadioCheckProps), {}, (_objectSpread2 = {}, _defineProperty(_objectSpread2, MODEL_PROP_NAME_INDETERMINATE, makeProp(PROP_TYPE_BOOLEAN, false)), _defineProperty(_objectSpread2, \"switch\", makeProp(PROP_TYPE_BOOLEAN, false)), _defineProperty(_objectSpread2, \"uncheckedValue\", makeProp(PROP_TYPE_ANY, false)), _defineProperty(_objectSpread2, \"value\", makeProp(PROP_TYPE_ANY, true)), _objectSpread2))), NAME_FORM_CHECKBOX); // --- Main component ---\n// @vue/component\n\nexport var BFormCheckbox = /*#__PURE__*/Vue.extend({\n name: NAME_FORM_CHECKBOX,\n mixins: [formRadioCheckMixin],\n inject: {\n bvGroup: {\n from: 'bvCheckGroup',\n default: null\n }\n },\n props: props,\n computed: {\n isChecked: function isChecked() {\n var value = this.value,\n checked = this.computedLocalChecked;\n return isArray(checked) ? looseIndexOf(checked, value) > -1 : looseEqual(checked, value);\n },\n isRadio: function isRadio() {\n return false;\n }\n },\n watch: _defineProperty({}, MODEL_PROP_NAME_INDETERMINATE, function (newValue, oldValue) {\n if (!looseEqual(newValue, oldValue)) {\n this.setIndeterminate(newValue);\n }\n }),\n mounted: function mounted() {\n // Set initial indeterminate state\n this.setIndeterminate(this[MODEL_PROP_NAME_INDETERMINATE]);\n },\n methods: {\n computedLocalCheckedWatcher: function computedLocalCheckedWatcher(newValue, oldValue) {\n if (!looseEqual(newValue, oldValue)) {\n this.$emit(MODEL_EVENT_NAME, newValue);\n var $input = this.$refs.input;\n\n if ($input) {\n this.$emit(MODEL_EVENT_NAME_INDETERMINATE, $input.indeterminate);\n }\n }\n },\n handleChange: function handleChange(_ref) {\n var _this = this;\n\n var _ref$target = _ref.target,\n checked = _ref$target.checked,\n indeterminate = _ref$target.indeterminate;\n var value = this.value,\n uncheckedValue = this.uncheckedValue; // Update `computedLocalChecked`\n\n var localChecked = this.computedLocalChecked;\n\n if (isArray(localChecked)) {\n var index = looseIndexOf(localChecked, value);\n\n if (checked && index < 0) {\n // Add value to array\n localChecked = localChecked.concat(value);\n } else if (!checked && index > -1) {\n // Remove value from array\n localChecked = localChecked.slice(0, index).concat(localChecked.slice(index + 1));\n }\n } else {\n localChecked = checked ? value : uncheckedValue;\n }\n\n this.computedLocalChecked = localChecked; // Fire events in a `$nextTick()` to ensure the `v-model` is updated\n\n this.$nextTick(function () {\n // Change is only emitted on user interaction\n _this.$emit(EVENT_NAME_CHANGE, localChecked); // If this is a child of a group, we emit a change event on it as well\n\n\n if (_this.isGroup) {\n _this.bvGroup.$emit(EVENT_NAME_CHANGE, localChecked);\n }\n\n _this.$emit(MODEL_EVENT_NAME_INDETERMINATE, indeterminate);\n });\n },\n setIndeterminate: function setIndeterminate(state) {\n // Indeterminate only supported in single checkbox mode\n if (isArray(this.computedLocalChecked)) {\n state = false;\n }\n\n var $input = this.$refs.input;\n\n if ($input) {\n $input.indeterminate = state; // Emit update event to prop\n\n this.$emit(MODEL_EVENT_NAME_INDETERMINATE, state);\n }\n }\n }\n});","import { looseEqual } from './loose-equal'; // Assumes that the first argument is an array\n\nexport var looseIndexOf = function looseIndexOf(array, value) {\n for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {\n if (looseEqual(array[i], value)) {\n return i;\n }\n }\n\n return -1;\n};","function ownKeys(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); if (enumerableOnly) symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; }); keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; }\n\nfunction _objectSpread(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i] != null ? arguments[i] : {}; if (i % 2) { ownKeys(Object(source), true).forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }); } else if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors) { Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)); } else { ownKeys(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } } return target; }\n\nfunction _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }\n\nimport { Vue, mergeData } from '../../vue';\nimport { NAME_INPUT_GROUP_APPEND } from '../../constants/components';\nimport { omit } from '../../utils/object';\nimport { makePropsConfigurable } from '../../utils/props';\nimport { BInputGroupAddon, props as BInputGroupAddonProps } from './input-group-addon'; // --- Props ---\n\nexport var props = makePropsConfigurable(omit(BInputGroupAddonProps, ['append']), NAME_INPUT_GROUP_APPEND); // --- Main component ---\n// @vue/component\n\nexport var BInputGroupAppend = /*#__PURE__*/Vue.extend({\n name: NAME_INPUT_GROUP_APPEND,\n functional: true,\n props: props,\n render: function render(h, _ref) {\n var props = _ref.props,\n data = _ref.data,\n children = _ref.children;\n // Pass all our data down to child, and set `append` to `true`\n return h(BInputGroupAddon, mergeData(data, {\n props: _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, props), {}, {\n append: true\n })\n }), children);\n }\n});","import { Vue, mergeData } from '../../vue';\nimport { NAME_INPUT_GROUP_TEXT } from '../../constants/components';\nimport { PROP_TYPE_STRING } from '../../constants/props';\nimport { makeProp, makePropsConfigurable } from '../../utils/props'; // --- Props ---\n\nexport var props = makePropsConfigurable({\n tag: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_STRING, 'div')\n}, NAME_INPUT_GROUP_TEXT); // --- Main component ---\n// @vue/component\n\nexport var BInputGroupText = /*#__PURE__*/Vue.extend({\n name: NAME_INPUT_GROUP_TEXT,\n functional: true,\n props: props,\n render: function render(h, _ref) {\n var props = _ref.props,\n data = _ref.data,\n children = _ref.children;\n return h(props.tag, mergeData(data, {\n staticClass: 'input-group-text'\n }), children);\n }\n});","var _watch, _methods;\n\nfunction ownKeys(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); if (enumerableOnly) symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; }); keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; }\n\nfunction _objectSpread(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i] != null ? arguments[i] : {}; if (i % 2) { ownKeys(Object(source), true).forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }); } else if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors) { Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)); } else { ownKeys(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } } return target; }\n\nfunction _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; }\n\nimport { Vue } from '../vue';\nimport { PROP_TYPE_ANY, PROP_TYPE_BOOLEAN, PROP_TYPE_STRING } from '../constants/props';\nimport { EVENT_NAME_CHANGE } from '../constants/events';\nimport { attemptBlur, attemptFocus } from '../utils/dom';\nimport { isBoolean } from '../utils/inspect';\nimport { looseEqual } from '../utils/loose-equal';\nimport { makeModelMixin } from '../utils/model';\nimport { sortKeys } from '../utils/object';\nimport { makeProp, makePropsConfigurable } from '../utils/props';\nimport { attrsMixin } from './attrs';\nimport { formControlMixin, props as formControlProps } from './form-control';\nimport { formCustomMixin, props as formCustomProps } from './form-custom';\nimport { formSizeMixin, props as formSizeProps } from './form-size';\nimport { formStateMixin, props as formStateProps } from './form-state';\nimport { idMixin, props as idProps } from './id';\nimport { normalizeSlotMixin } from './normalize-slot'; // --- Constants ---\n\nvar _makeModelMixin = makeModelMixin('checked', {\n defaultValue: null\n}),\n modelMixin = _makeModelMixin.mixin,\n modelProps = _makeModelMixin.props,\n MODEL_PROP_NAME = _makeModelMixin.prop,\n MODEL_EVENT_NAME = _makeModelMixin.event;\n\nexport { MODEL_PROP_NAME, MODEL_EVENT_NAME }; // --- Props ---\n\nexport var props = makePropsConfigurable(sortKeys(_objectSpread(_objectSpread(_objectSpread(_objectSpread(_objectSpread(_objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, idProps), modelProps), formControlProps), formSizeProps), formStateProps), formCustomProps), {}, {\n ariaLabel: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_STRING),\n ariaLabelledby: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_STRING),\n // Only applicable in standalone mode (non group)\n button: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_BOOLEAN, false),\n // Only applicable when rendered with button style\n buttonVariant: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_STRING),\n inline: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_BOOLEAN, false),\n value: makeProp(PROP_TYPE_ANY)\n})), 'formRadioCheckControls'); // --- Mixin ---\n// @vue/component\n\nexport var formRadioCheckMixin = Vue.extend({\n mixins: [attrsMixin, idMixin, modelMixin, normalizeSlotMixin, formControlMixin, formSizeMixin, formStateMixin, formCustomMixin],\n inheritAttrs: false,\n props: props,\n data: function data() {\n return {\n localChecked: this.isGroup ? this.bvGroup[MODEL_PROP_NAME] : this[MODEL_PROP_NAME],\n hasFocus: false\n };\n },\n computed: {\n computedLocalChecked: {\n get: function get() {\n return this.isGroup ? this.bvGroup.localChecked : this.localChecked;\n },\n set: function set(value) {\n if (this.isGroup) {\n this.bvGroup.localChecked = value;\n } else {\n this.localChecked = value;\n }\n }\n },\n isChecked: function isChecked() {\n return looseEqual(this.value, this.computedLocalChecked);\n },\n isRadio: function isRadio() {\n return true;\n },\n isGroup: function isGroup() {\n // Is this check/radio a child of check-group or radio-group?\n return !!this.bvGroup;\n },\n isBtnMode: function isBtnMode() {\n // Support button style in single input mode\n return this.isGroup ? this.bvGroup.buttons : this.button;\n },\n isPlain: function isPlain() {\n return this.isBtnMode ? false : this.isGroup ? this.bvGroup.plain : this.plain;\n },\n isCustom: function isCustom() {\n return this.isBtnMode ? false : !this.isPlain;\n },\n isSwitch: function isSwitch() {\n // Custom switch styling (checkboxes only)\n return this.isBtnMode || this.isRadio || this.isPlain ? false : this.isGroup ? this.bvGroup.switches : this.switch;\n },\n isInline: function isInline() {\n return this.isGroup ? this.bvGroup.inline : this.inline;\n },\n isDisabled: function isDisabled() {\n // Child can be disabled while parent isn't, but is always disabled if group is\n return this.isGroup ? this.bvGroup.disabled || this.disabled : this.disabled;\n },\n isRequired: function isRequired() {\n // Required only works when a name is provided for the input(s)\n // Child can only be required when parent is\n // Groups will always have a name (either user supplied or auto generated)\n return this.computedName && (this.isGroup ? this.bvGroup.required : this.required);\n },\n computedName: function computedName() {\n // Group name preferred over local name\n return (this.isGroup ? this.bvGroup.groupName : this.name) || null;\n },\n computedForm: function computedForm() {\n return (this.isGroup ? this.bvGroup.form : this.form) || null;\n },\n computedSize: function computedSize() {\n return (this.isGroup ? this.bvGroup.size : this.size) || '';\n },\n computedState: function computedState() {\n return this.isGroup ? this.bvGroup.computedState : isBoolean(this.state) ? this.state : null;\n },\n computedButtonVariant: function computedButtonVariant() {\n // Local variant preferred over group variant\n var buttonVariant = this.buttonVariant;\n\n if (buttonVariant) {\n return buttonVariant;\n }\n\n if (this.isGroup && this.bvGroup.buttonVariant) {\n return this.bvGroup.buttonVariant;\n }\n\n return 'secondary';\n },\n buttonClasses: function buttonClasses() {\n var _ref;\n\n var computedSize = this.computedSize;\n return ['btn', \"btn-\".concat(this.computedButtonVariant), (_ref = {}, _defineProperty(_ref, \"btn-\".concat(computedSize), computedSize), _defineProperty(_ref, \"disabled\", this.isDisabled), _defineProperty(_ref, \"active\", this.isChecked), _defineProperty(_ref, \"focus\", this.hasFocus), _ref)];\n },\n computedAttrs: function computedAttrs() {\n var disabled = this.isDisabled,\n required = this.isRequired;\n return _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, this.bvAttrs), {}, {\n id: this.safeId(),\n type: this.isRadio ? 'radio' : 'checkbox',\n name: this.computedName,\n form: this.computedForm,\n disabled: disabled,\n required: required,\n 'aria-required': required || null,\n 'aria-label': this.ariaLabel || null,\n 'aria-labelledby': this.ariaLabelledby || null\n });\n }\n },\n watch: (_watch = {}, _defineProperty(_watch, MODEL_PROP_NAME, function () {\n this[\"\".concat(MODEL_PROP_NAME, \"Watcher\")].apply(this, arguments);\n }), _defineProperty(_watch, \"computedLocalChecked\", function computedLocalChecked() {\n this.computedLocalCheckedWatcher.apply(this, arguments);\n }), _watch),\n methods: (_methods = {}, _defineProperty(_methods, \"\".concat(MODEL_PROP_NAME, \"Watcher\"), function Watcher(newValue) {\n if (!looseEqual(newValue, this.computedLocalChecked)) {\n this.computedLocalChecked = newValue;\n }\n }), _defineProperty(_methods, \"computedLocalCheckedWatcher\", function computedLocalCheckedWatcher(newValue, oldValue) {\n if (!looseEqual(newValue, oldValue)) {\n this.$emit(MODEL_EVENT_NAME, newValue);\n }\n }), _defineProperty(_methods, \"handleChange\", function handleChange(_ref2) {\n var _this = this;\n\n var checked = _ref2.target.checked;\n var value = this.value;\n var localChecked = checked ? value : null;\n this.computedLocalChecked = value; // Fire events in a `$nextTick()` to ensure the `v-model` is updated\n\n this.$nextTick(function () {\n // Change is only emitted on user interaction\n _this.$emit(EVENT_NAME_CHANGE, localChecked); // If this is a child of a group, we emit a change event on it as well\n\n\n if (_this.isGroup) {\n _this.bvGroup.$emit(EVENT_NAME_CHANGE, localChecked);\n }\n });\n }), _defineProperty(_methods, \"handleFocus\", function handleFocus(event) {\n // When in buttons mode, we need to add 'focus' class to label when input focused\n // As it is the hidden input which has actual focus\n if (event.target) {\n if (event.type === 'focus') {\n this.hasFocus = true;\n } else if (event.type === 'blur') {\n this.hasFocus = false;\n }\n }\n }), _defineProperty(_methods, \"focus\", function focus() {\n if (!this.isDisabled) {\n attemptFocus(this.$refs.input);\n }\n }), _defineProperty(_methods, \"blur\", function blur() {\n if (!this.isDisabled) {\n attemptBlur(this.$refs.input);\n }\n }), _methods),\n render: function render(h) {\n var isRadio = this.isRadio,\n isBtnMode = this.isBtnMode,\n isPlain = this.isPlain,\n isCustom = this.isCustom,\n isInline = this.isInline,\n isSwitch = this.isSwitch,\n computedSize = this.computedSize,\n bvAttrs = this.bvAttrs;\n var $content = this.normalizeSlot();\n var $input = h('input', {\n class: [{\n 'form-check-input': isPlain,\n 'custom-control-input': isCustom,\n // https://github.com/bootstrap-vue/bootstrap-vue/issues/2911\n 'position-static': isPlain && !$content\n }, isBtnMode ? '' : this.stateClass],\n directives: [{\n name: 'model',\n value: this.computedLocalChecked\n }],\n attrs: this.computedAttrs,\n domProps: {\n value: this.value,\n checked: this.isChecked\n },\n on: _objectSpread({\n change: this.handleChange\n }, isBtnMode ? {\n focus: this.handleFocus,\n blur: this.handleFocus\n } : {}),\n key: 'input',\n ref: 'input'\n });\n\n if (isBtnMode) {\n var $button = h('label', {\n class: this.buttonClasses\n }, [$input, $content]);\n\n if (!this.isGroup) {\n // Standalone button mode, so wrap in 'btn-group-toggle'\n // and flag it as inline-block to mimic regular buttons\n $button = h('div', {\n class: ['btn-group-toggle', 'd-inline-block']\n }, [$button]);\n }\n\n return $button;\n } // If no label content in plain mode we dont render the label\n // See: https://github.com/bootstrap-vue/bootstrap-vue/issues/2911\n\n\n var $label = h();\n\n if (!(isPlain && !$content)) {\n $label = h('label', {\n class: {\n 'form-check-label': isPlain,\n 'custom-control-label': isCustom\n },\n attrs: {\n for: this.safeId()\n }\n }, $content);\n }\n\n return h('div', {\n class: [_defineProperty({\n 'form-check': isPlain,\n 'form-check-inline': isPlain && isInline,\n 'custom-control': isCustom,\n 'custom-control-inline': isCustom && isInline,\n 'custom-checkbox': isCustom && !isRadio && !isSwitch,\n 'custom-switch': isSwitch,\n 'custom-radio': isCustom && isRadio\n }, \"b-custom-control-\".concat(computedSize), computedSize && !isBtnMode), bvAttrs.class],\n style: bvAttrs.style\n }, [$input, $label]);\n }\n});","var render = function () {var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;return _c('div',{staticClass:\"auth-wrapper auth-v2\"},[_c('b-row',{staticClass:\"auth-inner m-0\"},[_c('b-link',{staticClass:\"brand-logo\"},[(_vm.skin !== 'dark')?_c('b-img',{attrs:{\"width\":\"230px\",\"src\":require(\"@/assets/images/logo-text-black.png\")}}):_c('b-img',{attrs:{\"width\":\"230px\",\"src\":require(\"@/assets/images/logo-text-white.png\")}})],1),_c('b-col',{staticClass:\"d-none d-lg-flex align-items-center p-5\",attrs:{\"lg\":\"8\"}},[_c('div',{staticClass:\"w-100 d-lg-flex align-items-center justify-content-center px-5\"},[_c('b-img',{attrs:{\"fluid\":\"\",\"src\":_vm.imgUrl,\"alt\":\"Login V2\"}})],1)]),_c('b-col',{staticClass:\"d-flex align-items-center auth-bg px-2 p-lg-5\",attrs:{\"lg\":\"4\"}},[_c('b-col',{staticClass:\"px-xl-2 mx-auto\",attrs:{\"sm\":\"8\",\"md\":\"6\",\"lg\":\"12\"}},[_c('b-card-title',{staticClass:\"mb-1 font-weight-bold\",attrs:{\"title-tag\":\"h2\"}},[_vm._v(\" Bem vindo(a)! \")]),_c('b-card-text',{staticClass:\"mb-2\"},[_vm._v(\" Por favor, faça login para começar a sua aventura \")]),_c('validation-observer',{ref:\"loginForm\",scopedSlots:_vm._u([{key:\"default\",fn:function(ref){\nvar invalid = ref.invalid;\nreturn [_c('b-form',{staticClass:\"auth-login-form mt-2\",on:{\"submit\":function($event){$event.preventDefault();return _vm.login.apply(null, arguments)}}},[_c('b-form-group',{attrs:{\"label\":\"Email\",\"label-for\":\"login-email\"}},[_c('validation-provider',{attrs:{\"name\":\"Email\",\"vid\":\"email\",\"rules\":\"required|email\"},scopedSlots:_vm._u([{key:\"default\",fn:function(ref){\nvar errors = ref.errors;\nreturn [_c('b-form-input',{attrs:{\"id\":\"login-email\",\"state\":errors.length > 0 ? false : null,\"name\":\"login-email\",\"placeholder\":\"john@example.com\"},model:{value:(_vm.userEmail),callback:function ($$v) {_vm.userEmail=$$v},expression:\"userEmail\"}}),_c('small',{staticClass:\"text-danger\"},[_vm._v(_vm._s(errors[0]))])]}}],null,true)})],1),_c('b-form-group',[_c('div',{staticClass:\"d-flex justify-content-between\"},[_c('label',{attrs:{\"for\":\"login-password\"}},[_vm._v(\"Senha\")]),_c('b-link',{attrs:{\"to\":{ name: 'auth-forgot-password' }}},[_c('small',[_vm._v(\"Esqueceu sua senha?\")])])],1),_c('validation-provider',{attrs:{\"name\":\"Senha\",\"vid\":\"password\",\"rules\":\"required\"},scopedSlots:_vm._u([{key:\"default\",fn:function(ref){\nvar errors = ref.errors;\nreturn [_c('b-input-group',{staticClass:\"input-group-merge\",class:errors.length > 0 ? 'is-invalid' : null},[_c('b-form-input',{staticClass:\"form-control-merge\",attrs:{\"id\":\"login-password\",\"state\":errors.length > 0 ? false : null,\"type\":_vm.passwordFieldType,\"name\":\"login-password\",\"placeholder\":\"Senha\"},model:{value:(_vm.password),callback:function ($$v) {_vm.password=$$v},expression:\"password\"}}),_c('b-input-group-append',{attrs:{\"is-text\":\"\"}},[_c('feather-icon',{staticClass:\"cursor-pointer\",attrs:{\"icon\":_vm.passwordToggleIcon},on:{\"click\":_vm.togglePasswordVisibility}})],1)],1),_c('small',{staticClass:\"text-danger\"},[_vm._v(_vm._s(errors[0]))])]}}],null,true)})],1),_c('b-form-group',[_c('b-form-checkbox',{attrs:{\"id\":\"remember-me\",\"name\":\"checkbox-1\"},model:{value:(_vm.status),callback:function ($$v) {_vm.status=$$v},expression:\"status\"}},[_vm._v(\" Lembre-se de mim \")])],1),_c('b-button',{attrs:{\"type\":\"submit\",\"variant\":\"primary\",\"block\":\"\",\"disabled\":invalid}},[_vm._v(\" Entrar \")])],1)]}}])}),_c('b-card-text',{staticClass:\"text-center mt-2\"},[_c('span',[_vm._v(\"Novo no ContasInfinity? \")]),_c('b-link',{attrs:{\"to\":{ name: 'auth-register' }}},[_c('span',[_vm._v(\" Crie uma conta\")])])],1),(1 === 2)?_c('div',{staticClass:\"divider my-2\"},[_c('div',{staticClass:\"divider-text\"},[_vm._v(\" ou \")])]):_vm._e(),(1 === 2)?_c('div',{staticClass:\"auth-footer-btn d-flex justify-content-center\"},[_c('b-button',{attrs:{\"variant\":\"facebook\",\"href\":\"javascript:void(0)\"}},[_c('feather-icon',{attrs:{\"icon\":\"FacebookIcon\"}})],1),_c('b-button',{attrs:{\"variant\":\"twitter\",\"href\":\"javascript:void(0)\"}},[_c('feather-icon',{attrs:{\"icon\":\"TwitterIcon\"}})],1),_c('b-button',{attrs:{\"variant\":\"google\",\"href\":\"javascript:void(0)\"}},[_c('feather-icon',{attrs:{\"icon\":\"MailIcon\"}})],1),_c('b-button',{attrs:{\"variant\":\"github\",\"href\":\"javascript:void(0)\"}},[_c('feather-icon',{attrs:{\"icon\":\"GithubIcon\"}})],1)],1):_vm._e()],1)],1)],1)],1)}\nvar staticRenderFns = []\n\nexport { render, staticRenderFns }","\n
\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\n \n \n
\n \n
\n \n \n\n \n \n \n \n Bem vindo(a)!\n \n \n Por favor, faça login para começar a sua aventura\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n \n 0 ? false : null\"\n name=\"login-email\"\n placeholder=\"john@example.com\"\n />\n {{ errors[0] }}\n \n \n\n \n \n